You fucken whinging sooks had Bungie exclusively for a decade for Christ's sake. Now that they show Sony some love you run crying to mummy screaming "they don't love me anymore". Grow the **** up.
You blame consoles for holding back PC graphics yet even though you hinted at it yourself you still don't realise that the only thing that holds back graphic fidelity is the cost of development.
Don't give a shit how pretty AC unity is as long as we finally get an assassin who can crouch at will instead of being so damn useless he can't crouch behind a low wall, crate or a boulder & only knows how to hide in special bushes.
You fail on your lack of knowledge. The issues with the amount of credits needed to purchase cars without purchasing in game currency was widely reported on any gaming site worth their salt after the games release. It's not my fault you're too incompetent to find that out for yourself.
CrouchingWeasel's comments