The consumer wins what? PS+ offers damn cheap access to a shitload of recent releases, just have a look at their offerings on the PS3 every month whereas XBox Gold offers 1 or 2 disgracefully old & common games as "compensation" for the fact that on their consoles MS hides basic internet functions that are freely accessible on a PC, PS3 & PS4 behind a damn paywall. Not to mention that the XB1 doesn't even offer free games for the more expensive Xbox gold subscription whereas the same cheaper than gold flat rate on PS+ gets you equal access to a huge library of PS3, PS4 & Vita games for less per year than MS's feeble offering. Sure the PS+ instant library can technically be called rental but people willing to pay for subscription are going to keep doing it so losing access to your library is a non issue. Maybe on the day that MS start to offer games that every Xbox owner hasn't already played years ago then we could consider their offerings to be "competition". Until that day their free games are just another reason out of many that proves that MS executives are completely out of touch with gamers & what they really want from a console & a subscription service.
You need to stop eating those funny coloured mushrooms before you do yourself even more damage than you already have. The PS4 is outselling the XB1 EVERYWHERE, including the U.S. Did your mother drop you on your head as a baby or does it take real effort to be this stupidly ignorant?
XB1 Is "winning"? Winning what? The consolation ribbon that even the weird kid who fell over onto his face during the race gets just for taking part? MS certainly aren't winning the opening round of this "war". Over 6 million PS4's sold since launch (along with 13.7 million games), XB1 still hasn't hit 4 million. "Winning", BWAAHAHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!!!!! So what colour are the unicorns where you live, Cletus? It's time to stop getting all of your news of the outside world from MS executive Twitter feeds.
Same here with TV shows. I watched Dexter religiously when every new episode came out yet I still haven't gotten around to watching the final episode yet.
Both consoles are x86 which is an old standard. There won't be anything like the progression in quality seen in the last generation. Developers have been coding for x86 systems for years meaning that any improvements in quality will be tiny as developers are able to better optimise their engines.
CrouchingWeasel's comments