Yui Tanimura is on record as saying he REALLY wants to port DSII to the next gen but is waiting on approval first before beginning the porting process. Fear not, it will happen
Hey genius, since when has releasing half a game ever been acceptable? Since when has any site or reviewer ever based their review on what HASN'T been released yet, you utter muppet? As it stands now it lacks content, they've been called out on that & rightly so. If they couldn't have released a full game in time for the launch then they should have had the balls that Ubisoft did & pull their title from the launch lineup. They didn't & the last thing lazy developers need are ignorant tools like like yourself defending their bullshit. Gamespot, along with any other site can only review what's available, not what hasn't been released yet & might possibly be released in the future so pull your brainless head out of your cavernous arse & use some goddamn common sense, if you bloody well have any.
Any chance that you morons could stop shoving the exact same shitty ACIV video down our throats every damn time we try & watch a video on this godforsaken site? I understand advertising but this is spam, pure & simple. Are you lot actively trying to drive people towards your competitors?
P.S - You idiots have still done fucking nothing about your shitty video stream. Buffering at an average of 388kb/s & it's still pausing. How is it that I can stream Blu-Ray quality video from other sites at much less than 388kb/s but you clowns can't even deliver a 6min show that doesn't pause every 10-15 seconds?
No crouch on command = not interested. An assassin who can't crouch when he's told to is a fucking joke in my book. They churn this franchise out like white trash brats & they still can't get this one simple thing right.
Gamespot, fix your goddamn video stream, seriously. Streaming in HD at over 350kb/s and it still pauses & stutters. I can stream a 1.5gb movie at less speed than that with no problems. How can you spend so much time & effort on building a new site & still royally **** up videos?
If you really have found a genuine fix then how about you share it with the rest of us instead of just rubbing our faces in it without having the common decency to back up a single thing you've said?
CrouchingWeasel's comments