AWESOME!!! Yet another abominably shitty video that's NOT in 1080p trying in vain & failing from the start to show anything except how shit useless comparison videos are. There's no PS3/PS4 comparison & the PS4 only gets a pathetic token look in for the last 40 seconds. Who's the idiot who made this? Without a doubt THE single worst comparison video I've seen out of every single shitty comparison video you muppets have ever done. I don't know how many times you clowns have to be told, POST FULL RES PICTURES FOR CHRIST'S SAKE.
You "could care less"? So you still have some interest despite your claims of total disinterest? You could care less if you put a bit more effort into it? I always thought that if someone was at the point of not caring any more then they said "I couldn't care less", quite literally meaning that their level of contempt for or disinterest in something couldn't be topped.
Thanks Danny. I agree 100%. I also think McHale can gargle (and hopefully choke to death on) my prodigious sac. What a fucking douchenozzle. That being said it's time that such an awards show became the province of the gaming press instead of some fuckstain TV network with less than no idea about who gamers are & what we want to see in an awards show. I'd like to see sites like Gamespot, IGN, GiantBomb etc.. get together & take this over. It's time to stop the madness.
This. This x1000. I'm a console gamer but it's great to see PC gamers getting some love here. Equal support for all platforms can only be a good thing & 3rd party exclusivity deals, regardless of where they appear, are a scourge that need to disappear from gaming for good. Both Sony & MS are guilty of this & it needs to fucking well stop, yesterday. Punishing someone for owning a different platform even though the game appears on all of them is a low, low scummy act & it shows incredible disrespect for ones customers.
That's all well & good but there are plenty of games that never make it to PC which makes owning a console preferable to many people. For me the fact that Destiny is console only is a good enough reason to buy a PS4 instead of a PC.
I'd probably be the same myself but Destiny is enough to sucker me into buying a PS4. A Sci-Fi/FPS/RPG in a persistent world with Space Magic? Sign me up MoFo's.
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