Are you using AdBlock? I'm using AdBlock with Firefox & not one single video will work for me with AdBlock turned on. It's seems that the turds in the GS I.T department are punishing people who detest having ads shoved down their throats as a condition of being able to watch anything on this site. I refuse to turn off AdBlock & be subjected to obnoxious advertising just be able to watch a video on this site. Go & sod yourselves with a loaded shotgun Gamespot.
I was thinking exactly the same thing myself yesterday when watching the 15mins of ACIV. Quest markers on screen, enemy markers on screen.... bloated HUD & information overload all to appeal to the lowest common denominator in gamers. I wonder how long it's going to take these clowns to realise that most gamers like to be able to explore for themselves & would prefer the option to turn "babysitter mode for lazy gamers" off.
Yes, we are. Especially when one considers that Plus users on PS3 can currently download Far Cry 3, Stealth Inc: A Clone in the Dark, XCOM: Enemy Unknown, Spec Ops: The Line, The Jak & Daxter Trilogy, Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams, LitteBigPlanet Karting, Uncharted 3 & Mafia 2 - all for free. All Micro$oft can do is give away 1 six year old game that everyone with a 360 already owns anyway.
Is there some kind of unwritten law that all English voiceovers for Japanese games, movies & anime have to be B grade & shitty? Just once I'd like to hear some quality voice acting.
Off topic here but I'm still blown away by the fact that this game sold over $800mil in only 24 hrs. The best that any movie has managed in 24 hrs was $91,071,119 by Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows Pt. 2. Kudos to R* for such an excellent game (despite the lack of a metal radio station) & congrats for breaking so many records.
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