Sounds to me like you're the whinging little brat living in his mum's basement. You can't tell me that you're a grown adult surviving on their own in the big, bad world with the attitude & grammar skills you've displayed here. You can't even spell words like "you", "your" & "you're" for Christ's sake.
Boo fucken hoo, cry me a river you poor baby. Poor Americans are sooooooo hard done by. Getting both consoles for cheaper than anyone else just isn't good enough, neither is the fact that you can buy games for cheaper, that third party services like Netflix are U.S only and that you lot get the PS4 3 months before the Japanese do. Get up, go for a walk & ask the first stranger you see to smack you in the mouth. You deserve it.
A handy bit of trivia for you here. We Australians don't drink Fosters. It's really fucking shitty beer. I haven't actually seen a bottle of it for years. We just ship it off overseas to people who think it's the beer that Aussies drink whilst waiting for the "shrimps" on the barbie to cook.
SNOOZE. WTF do these wankers have against a full HD screen? That's what many people have been waiting for & instead they come out with a fucking fingerprint scanner on a phone that looks barely different from an iPhone 4 & they wonder why everyone is buying Android.
The real story here should be that feminists are bitching about the fact that Rockstar didn't compromise their artistic vision to personally please them & that developers are somehow expected to consult each & every hairy, man-hating-yet-goes-out-of-their-way-to-look-like-a-man whinger personally to ask them their permission & opinion every step of the way during development. **** them.
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