The shitty thing about these MMO/persistent world games on consoles is the whole "paying to access the internet" bullshit just to be able to pay $15 a month to be able to play these games. Add TES online's fees to possible fees with other games like The Division (thankfully Bungie has no plans to arse-fist their customers) & people are going to be thinking twice before buying games this generation just because of the costs involved to play them.
Wrong. People are sick to death of the insane rush towards photo-realism at the expense of innovative & unique gameplay. Shit wrapped in a bow with gold sprinkles is still shit.
February? That soon? Looking forward to this with a most careful trepidation considering it's a reboot & not Thief 4. I'm curious as to whether they'll use any of the lore from the last 3 games at all & I'm hopeful that "Garret" isn't the only thing they have common. Fingers are crossed.
Consoletards? It's 12y/o elitist little turds like you that represent everything wrong with gaming. The rest of us just love games, regardless of what they're played on. Try pulling your head out of your arse, brat.
And it'll be as ugly as dog's nuts & look exactly the same as every iPhone before it, it still won't have a bigger screen or full HD & it will still lack basic, standard features that Android phones have had for the last few years. Still won't stop the iSheep camping out for weeks to get one though.
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