I play at least 10 hrs per week & will never pay for Gold, dumbass. Neither will my 2 nephews, my brother, my housemate, all of my friends who have a 360. Seriously, I don't personally know one single person who's willing to pay $60 per year to access what they can get for free by switching on their PC. Nice work proving to the rest of the world that mummy & daddy still pay your bills, genius.
Yeah, because the shitty low sales figures for the Wii U are all one giant fucking conspiracy cooked up by a secret coalition of trolls who've taken over the internet for the sole purpose of shitting on Nintendo.
Awesome, that told me absolutely fucking nothing. Why do these companies waste their time & money producing these meaningless CG teasers? Just wait until you have some damn gameplay & real info to share, please.
The classification board in this country has nothing to do with fucking christians. The classification board is a government department & like the US we have separation of church & state.
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