**** devs who bitch & whine about used games. I didn't pay a tax to Toyota for my used car, I don't pay a tax to Hollywood on my used DVD library, I didn't pay a tax to the builder of the used house I live in so why in the **** do game devs think they're so special that they expect to be able to get paid again every time a game changes hands? If they want people to buy games new then they should start making games that people are prepared to pay full price for. If people aren't buying new games then devs only have themselves to blame & the longer they continue to blame used game sales the longer it will take them to realise that shitty, generic gameplay & rehashed story ideas will only take them so far.
Not only this but you don't have to root your Android phone to install pirate apps thus making piracy easier on Android, at least in the eyes of publishers it does anyway. That's why you'll see many apps that are normally paid on iOS released as free versions with ads on Android.
I think you're mistaking your assumptions for being the truth. Just because you believe something to be the case in the absence of any evidence doesn't make it true. If most people who jailbreak their devices just steal it then they also would have downloaded Xcom & there wouldn't have been the massive wave of outrage that there has been. See how logic works? Now you try it for a change.
Why? There's nothing on 10 worth watching & there's no way in hell that I'm going to pay to watch something I can get for free by changing the input on my TV.
They could get a million more in the next 12 hours & it still wouldn't change a damn thing. Microsoft copped a lot of flack for the DRM in the first place & then copped more when they reversed it. Why after all of that dicking around & bad publicity for both being douches and being indecisive would they then turn around & go back to plan A?
CrouchingWeasel's comments