Of course a lot of people might very well be enjoying Star Wars: Battlefield of Duty, a lot of people are retarded sheep who throw money at anything with Star Wars written on it too, just ask George Lucas about the squillions he looted from brain dead fools who lined up to be subjected to Anakin "I'm a whiny, petulant brat" Skywalker & Jar Jar bloody Binks. Also, if you actually read the story you'd know that he has provided "sound criticism" as you call it, he was actually pretty damn specific about what he didn't like.
Ummm.... because EA expected someone to just support their game & pump it up on social media because they sent them a free game disk & instead it backfired spectacularly because their game gargles sweaty hobo balls. Maybe that's why.
The employee was under no obligation to hand it over to Blizzard but CHOSE to do it & if you knew anything about botting programs you'd know that they're designed around & run on code lifted directly from the game they're trying to cheat. Bossland don't have a leg left to stand on & the fact that the parasitic scumbags stopped selling their cheat hack as soon as they found out what had happened proves that they know they're screwed. Boo fricken hoo to them & sod anyone who even attempts to defend those vermin.
THEIR original programs are great & no matter what YOU'RE into, as in YOU ARE. For Christ’s sake people, how hard is it to know & understand the difference between your & you're or there, their & they're? It's not molecular physics, it's grade school level basic English. My 8 year old niece knows the difference, what's everyone else’s excuse?
I'm curious as to how Eddie found this out. He must have been curious as to why the new daily postings of transsexual lesbian midget porn had dropped off.
He's obviously on weed if he thinks that people who've already forked out for a console or a gaming PC will cough up for one of these as well. He's also high if he thinks that people will spend console level cash to get a console that doesn't play any of the exclusive games that consoles currently play. The only market for Steam machines is for people who want to play PC games in their loungeroom & want to be able to fit their PC in the TV cabinet. People who're deadset on playing PC games will just pay for a gaming PC. People who couldn't give a fat greasy **** about either the "master race" or being even in the same room as them & just want to insert a disk & start playing will buy an Xbone, PS4 or a Nintendo. The question remains, who are they hoping to market these machines to?
Read his comment again. He doesn't say that consoles have more games. He does say that games made specifically for consoles won't play on a Steam console. I thought what he said was pretty straight forward.
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