Try Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing. Universally acknowledged at the worst game in history. Even worse than the Australian pre R18+ version of Left for Dead 2.
This +100 fucking times over. Hey Devs, you want people to buy your games new & then keep them? Then start by making a good game that people want to buy on day 1 & then keep. Include some replayability. Stop releasing day 1 DLC & stop forcing people to pay for DLC with characters & story necessary to the overall lore of the game (talking to you here EA-Ware with forcing people to pay for the Promethean DLC if they didn't specifically get a collectors edition). Most importantly however, stop destroying your franchises by neutering sequels like Mass Effect, Splinter Cell & Dead Space into action-fests designed to appeal to lazy arsed 12 year old CoD/BF4 players who're too damn stupid & incompetent to understand that running in & shooting the utter bejebus out of everything on screen & then not insta-healing doesn't mean that the game is not worth playing. I swear to whatever God exists that most gamers today would give up gaming entirely if developers went back to developing games as they were in the 80's - mid 90's. They wouldn't last 5 minutes without throwing their controllers at the TV in nerdrage.
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