You keep opening your mouth only to prove that you have zero understanding regarding the state of the internet in 2013 & the ability for even million of Americans to connect to it even if they want to, not to mention the difficulties millions more experience worldwide in core gaming markets. The fact that you think that because someone doesn't have broadband access means that they also don't have phones or TV's says that you barely graduated high school (if you're even old enough to graduate) let alone have the intellectual chops to be an economist.
Learn how to read. You claim to be an economist yet you have no grasp of language comprehension. I'll type slowly for you. There are MILLIONS of people who can't even get access to broadband internet in the US alone. Got that so far? There are tens of millions more people worldwide who are in the same boat. If you have trouble with that maybe we could start with See Spot or maybe Everybody Poops.
Git. There are millions in the US alone who can't even get broadband access where they live not to mention the hundreds of millions worldwide who're in the same boat. Just ask Woz what it's like to be filthy stinking rich & not be able to even get the internet. The online requirements of the SurveillanceBox are at least a decade too soon.
I'm partial to the Eye of Sauron box myself. It has a lidless eye that is ever watching & is bent on evil & the destruction of all that is good about gaming.
Actually with the PS4 you now need Plus to be able to play online, just like Gold. I'll still be buying a PS4 though. **** Microshaft & their utter contempt towards those who put food on their families tables & a roof over their heads.
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