I couldn’t care less about your precious, delicate sensibilities Princess, I’m not responsible for the fact that you want to whine like a toddler about something I said nor do I care about the fact that your vagina is obviously full of sand. Grow up Buttercup.
How about Sony forgets about giving Americans shipment after shipment after shipment in addition to their launch day allotment & acknowledges that many countries are still waiting for even a second shipment. We fking well have money to spend too Sony so stop fking over the rest of the world. I’m still waiting for my pre-order from release day that didn’t arrive because Sony didn’t send enough units, how much longer are people like me going to be ignored by Sony to suck up to American retailers who selfishly keep demanding more & more?
Agreed. I’m in Australia & still am still waiting for my PS5 which didn’t arrive on launch day because the store I purchased it from only got 1/3 of the units they were assured were coming, meanwhile America keeps getting shipment after shipment from Sony. There are Americans who bought their PS5 2 months after I did who are getting their consoles before me. I’ll believe the bastard thing exists only when & if I ever start playing my first game on it. I’m not even hopeful I’ll see it before Easter next year at this point.
How many times do you Gamespot clowns need to repost your own articles? I’ve seen this article multiple times already. For Christ’s sake, is it really so hard for you lot to find things to write about that you haven’t written about yet that you feel the need to just to keep reposting the same lazy articles ad nauseam? Why do we even bother coming here any more when half of your articles are either reposts or garbage about TV shows & movies that most people couldn’t care less about? We want to hear about gaming & gaming news that you lot haven’t re-posted 6 times in the last day & a half with no updates to the articles, just bumping them for cheap clicks instead of getting off of your asses, doing your jobs & writing about games & gaming. This site has gone so far downhill since the days of Kevin Van Ord, Feedbackula & the other great stuff this site used to do. Now Gamespot is a prime example of everything gone wrong with gaming journalism. Congrats on becoming a massive part of the problem of gaming “journalism” Gamespot.
I couldn’t care less about this trash. What I want to know is why I have to wait until next year even though I preordered on announcement day & paid in full for a console that never arrived yet my country is getting no more PS5’s until Feb-March 2021 while U.S retailers are continually being given new stock. If I didn’t have 60+ PS4 physical copies & my Pro wasn’t about to die I’d tell Sony to gargle my nads after this fustercluck of a release.
I’m sick to death of watching article after article on this site about American customers getting repeated preferential treatment regarding new console shipments when the asking price for a PS5 & the cash paid for one is just as good regardless of what Country it comes from. Sony should be looking after screwed over preorder customers before releasing even more stock to the most privileged market on the planet. 🖕you Sony.
I’ll only believe that this game is finally released when I see it installing onto my PS5. Every time I come to this site I’m expecting to see headlines saying “Cyberpunk delayed into 2021”. CDPR have delayed it that many times now that it wouldn’t surprise me if it happened again. I just wish that developers would stop announcing release dates before the game is finished.
People are afraid of Ocrazio? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. She’s about as “scary” as a baby koala on the teat. Her problem is that she’s a brain dead got who’s more concerned with using politics to feed her lust for fame rather than serving Americans as she swore to do. She cost New Yorkers thousands of jobs & billions in tax revenue because she’s so pathologically stupid that she doesn’t understand that tax incentives aren’t actual money that can be spent on other things despite her allegedly having an economics degree. She’s as smart as a bag of rocks & your fetishistic, white-knight lust for her won’t change the fact that she’s a mental midget who’s accomplished nothing in 2 years other than make herself famous for being the dumbest person in Congress next to Schifty Pencil Neck & Nasty Pelosi. Please keep trying to defend her, it’s absolutely hilarious.
So we now have the DelayStation 2 (I couldn’t care less about XBox any more, they don’t exist as far as I’m concerned after their inability to make my having bought an XBone worth it so sue me). Awesome. You would’ve thought by now that devs would’ve learned after 7 years of continuously announcing delays to keep their mouths shut until they were absolutely certain that they could meet the announced date or timeframe, even if that meant giving people only a month or 2’s notice. The only reason I haven’t cancelled my Cyberpunk preorder in frustration after the 37th delay is because of the good will CDPR has built over the years by consistently delivering quality & by not nickel & diming gamers with crap like horse armour. I can’t say that for any of these other studios.
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