The next time you wonder why movies are absolute trash these days take a look in the mirror. It’s because of people like you who couldn’t care less about cretinous remakes & reboots & just throw your money at the cashier. I won’t apologize or be ashamed for the fact that I was born & grew up when creative people worked their asses off trying to build something new & unique & made great movies instead of money grubbing executives today either going woke & going broke with trash only awards judges give a rats ass about or just copying the efforts of better men & women & pumping out sequel after sequel, remake after remake & reboot after reboot because most people today are morons with the attention span of a prepubescent smartphone addict who’ll pay for anything with bright shiny lights regardless of what it is. And only children say “lol”, grow up.
Andromeda was a game with promise that ended up just crapping the bed thanks to the ongoing incompetence & laziness of EAWare. I still remember driving through the desert seeing nothing ahead & then in the next rendered frame a giant pillar of smoke is rising from a fire on the desert floor about 20 yards away & this is on a PS Pro after the liars raved about how spectacular the game would look on a Pro with a 4K TV or not.
E.A is pure evil & until EAWare regains its freedom & autonomy they’ll never get another cent from me as long as I live. I can’t wait to see the dumpster fire inside of a train wreck that the new Dragon Age game will be considering that they couldn’t even deliver what they promised with the hot mess that was Inquisition. IMO Frostbite has no place as an engine for RPG’s. These “remasters” are going to be just as big of a waste of time as the original trilogy unless they remake the last part of ME:3 from scratch.
That’s one of the main things other than star-kid & 3 colored explosions that pissed me off about none of my decisions meaning a damned thing at the end. All of that time not only trying to bring peace to the Geth & the Quarians but succeeding & then appears-out-of-nowhere-star-kid tries to justify the mass extermination of billions of lives because organics & A.I’s can’t co-exist after you’ve just spent hours proving the exact opposite & Shepard says nothing in rebuttal, not to mention all of that time with Tali, romancing her & EAWare still couldn’t be assed throwing in even for a second a shot of Tali’s face as she takes off her helmet once the Quarians get to return to their homeworld to breathe in the air of their home planet as a free people once again. It breaks my heart to see what EA & lying, incompetent clowns like Casey Hudson have done to what used to be the greatest RPG studio to have ever existed. Now they’ve gone from heroes to a studio that no one thinks about except to remember how great they used to be & to wonder if they’ll ever make anything worth remembering ever again. It’s tragic & my heart breaks when I think about the Doctors & how they must feel when they see what their creation has turned into.
Yet MS seems to be able to tell devs “you want to release a game on our console you’ll make all game save file transfers work between both gens”. What’s Sony’s excuse? I’ll be getting a PS5 because I have over 60 PS4 games & my Pro is limping along with a clunking disk drive that might die & cost me money to repair that I need for the 5 before December when my 5 arrives but I’m far from impressed with Sony’s arrogant unwillingness to even bother trying to match MS on basic, considerate customer service functions that should be a given standard when backwards compatibility is being thrown around as a selling point.
Never heard of any of these games thus I couldn’t care less. I’m more concerned about my game saves transferring & if Sony is going to pull their heads out of their asses & scrap the 1000 file limit for online saves on PS5. Yet another thing that MS seems to be able to accomplish without effort while Sony just ignores the issue.
Yay, I get to blow even more cash so I can spend a couple of hundred hours of game time only for none of my decisions to mean a damned thing at the end when I get to watch the entire farce fizzle out in of 3 remastered different colored explosions. Hard pass🤮
Is nothing sacred any more? There’s nothing wrong with the original, to this day it’s the only horror movie that creeps me out. I wish that just once these morons would come up with their own stories instead of making atrocious reboots.
Why is it that everyone wants to whine about negative reviews from people who haven’t played the game yet completely ignore the same kind of behaviour from those giving fake positive reviews? This idiocy goes both ways.
I’m also seeing a few reviews speaking out on how shallow & underdeveloped the Ghost gameplay is compared to the Samurai sword combat considering it’s supposed to be a major part of the game, Hell, it’s even in the name of the game. Still going to buy it the minute my local store opens in 2 days & 8 hours but hopefully they’re wrong about the stealth aspects of the game being lacking.
Can’t cut down bamboo? PREORDER CANCELLED!!! This was my last great hope for a bamboo chopping simulator & it’s all gone to shit. Thanks for spending millions to not grant me my dreams Sucker Punch🖕
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