What a lying idiot. For starters no game Developer would ever claim that they were involved in building “games” that teach people how to kill because anyone with a functional brain in their head, which rules out creepy old hair sniffing Quid Pro Joe, knows that the ability to use a controller or a mouse & keyboard does not translate into any enhancement of real world combat skills with any weapon in any situation in any gamer.
If playing games imparted any kind of real world combat skills I’d be winning at least a few of the pistol competitions I enter. Goddamn I am sick to death of liars seeking to demonize & blame anything & everything for the bad behavior of children & young adults on anything other than garbage parenting & garbage parents.
The hilarious thing is that her ass is so flat that Marvel had a casting call to do reshoots for an ass stand in. Larson will rant about the evils of white men but says nothing about having to have her own non existent ass replaced in every shot it appears in in the movie.
I’m going to do what Larson & obviously Marvel/Disney want straight white men to do, because they’ve said & done nothing to curb Larson’s hateful, misandrist bigotry & not buy a ticket so that I can leave space for women of color to see the movie. If this is how Marvel/Disney treats their core fan base & allows a hate filled bigot to rant about how she doesn’t care about what white males have to say or what they think & that Captain Marvel is a love letter to women of color so white men can go to hell they can have their shitty movie. The atrocious thing here is that sites like Gamespot who’ve decided to stop focusing on games & waste more time on non gaming garbage haven’t called out her misandristic & bigoted bullshit. I’m done with Marvel & if Stan was still alive he’d be disgusted with Brie Larson, her repugnant character & Marvel/Disney’s refusal to tell her to shut the fvck up. It’s a small mercy he’s no longer around to see what these parasites have turned his legacy into. Insert Shame Nun bell ringing & chanting here.
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