@88Metallica I really curious about the marine details and true area available for marine exploration. The idea of sharks in open water adds a lot tension to water escapes and accidents.
What I want to know is if this time there will be some sort of climbing or grappling onto vehicles. Some way to grab onto a buddies heli or plane at the last minute in multi freeroam, or drop from a flying craft to grab a train or boat. I have always wanted to perfect jumping off a cliff and leaving the vehicle in mid-air to grab onto a heli landing skid in the ultimate action escape!
Kind of a bummer, I enjoy XC:EU so much... was hoping this would be a solid variation follow-up. Oh well, the x-com series has an interesting past with this type of disappointment. thank golly for XC:EU!
I am excited about this, as long we don't lose the option to just hop into a private game and play with just a single friend or two. I still want to be able to tool around the world and literally not do anything of importance. Sometimes just flying around together, or random base jumping, or cruising at needlessly high speed, or in this GTA perhaps doing some diving exploration. Long as we aren't forced at all times to "play with strangers".
"..it's when "you" come in and vomit contrite and irrational comments on here just to be "cool" do I feel that you deserve neither my attention, respect, or need to have a discussion."
A bit harsh and needlessly critical isn't it? And I don't think irrational or contrite are the words you want to use right there. Perhaps you simply don't understand my comment was based on an effort for discussion. Not accusation or criticism. And I'm pretty sure it's a reasonable post. Nor does being a some what bigger post count as being "vomited". May I suggest you work on your communication skills a bit, it does sound like you used some wording or a phrase you've read or heard without knowing what it really means. Also I find it hard to believe that you have the ability to know completely when some one is just "trying to be cool" just by reading their posts, that's simply your interpretation of another persons words. Reality is subjective. Thank you
@lostastsea22485 @CruiserCaptain @diskotheque Yeah. I am still waiting for more info. But I sure, personally, that I'll be PS'ing it. But that was a choice made before all this crap about MS's new requirements and first release info.
@lostastsea22485 @diskotheque Lets be honest, it's a bit of personal perspective. Last year, or even just before the first press release of the new gen, many people constantly accused Gamespot of being in MS's pocket for every and anything that seemed the slightest pro Xbox and MS. And at times others make similar accusation relating to Sony's pocket, almost always based on the poster's (individual's) own opinion relating to the subject that had been covered in said show/article. Articles, or shows like these, may not be presented as an attempt to suggest the overall feeling or stance of Gamespot as a whole, simply an ongoing discussion of the current subjects of topic in the gamer world. And as of late it has been the distaste for some of MS approaches and choices. (Although on a personal note: I too wouldn't mind a little more on running specs and the like for the new consoles)
CruiserCaptain's comments