Man I can't wait for this "always online" feature to be put into the next-gen consoles coming out! I don't see it being an issue in anyway, and look forward to not being able to play. The Future IS Awesome!
(I hope they came out with the now sickeningly standard EA Season Pass, cause that's always neat.)
The problems they are having with the "online" servers and forced connection I think is a great example of why the actual gamer community is so consistantly hesitant to accept this "next step" in gaming.
Yeah i get ads and what they do for funding viseos and whatever, but I hate seeing the same damn internet commercials over and over and over and over and over. And why the hell do they ALL have to be 10x louder than the normal sounds! If we are going to get bombarded by ads, at least change it up for golly sakes.
I watch these constantly now. Thank you, great fun. I know it's obscure and rare, but I'd love to see Panzerfront on the PS1, and I assume it's on pc too. Fantastic old rts for console, seemed totally under the radar at the time.
CruiserCaptain's comments