Whoever said Tuesdays were relaxing should've seen me. It all on this morning, I'm walking to the bus stop to catch a bus to school when a black cat crossed my path, normally I don't believe in that curse and jinx business, but today it made a believer outta me. As soon as that cat stepped on the street, a can of paint rolled off the top pf a house and hit me right in the head, dazed and forgetting I left my metrocard at home, I went back home to get it, as I took my first steps on the stairs, a plastic bag fell in front of me, I skipped a stair to avoid it but it musta been waitin for me and fell onto the stair I stepped on, because of that I fell down 19 stairs giving me a bruised elbow and knee. I thought my day wouldn't get any worse, but I was wrong, after school I went to McDonalds to pick up some food. My mom wanted 3 chicken sandwiches, my granny wanted fries and I got a Big Mac for myself, I was almost on the other street when the bag with the food in it popped. Now get this, when a bag pops, everything is supposed to fall out, but the only thing that fell out was MY Big Mac, now remember I was crossing the street and was nearly to the other side when this happened, I said to myself its still in the box so no problem, but as I said that, a car turned missed me and ran over my Big Mac, by time the car passed, my Big Mac was a mess on the street. I put down the McDonalds bag and sat down just looking at it, the way I was shocked you could've kicked me in the midsection and I would realize I was kicked 20 minutes later. Now I'm in my mom's room putting up suitcases with clothes inside of it, I put up the first on and was putting up the second one when the one in my hands hit the first one and caused it to fall on me, the 2nd one fell on my head and left me dazed to the point I couldn't get up. Thats not the end of my bad day either, but I've said enough. See ya.
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