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Curtis1560 Blog

Nightmare bit me!!!!

Yes the old man bit me and now here are people I would bite






thats it see ya.

My Valentines Day Curse is*Drum Roll*.............Over!!!!!!!!!!!

FINALLY!!!!!!!After 10 years of suffering injuries and unhappiness on Valentines Day for the past 10 years, my curse has come to an end. This was to date my best Valentines Day EVER!!!!But not because I found that special someone:| Throughout the day it felt wierd because I wasn't throwing insults at that day for some injury. But finally I have a reason to like the 2009 version of Valentines Day. I have to remember to thank someone from this site and a friend of mine from school for wishing for my well being. Thanks for reading. See ya for the first time in 10 years, Happy belated Valentines Day to anyone who enjoyed it.

Top 4 Favorite Vizards(Bored)

As the blog name implies, yes I am bored at the time of this blog so I decided to make a list of my favorite Vizards from Bleach:

4. Shinji-to me he has a laid back wisecracking attitude, but I found him funny when he was beatin Grimmjow to a pulp. He was even funnier when Hiyori knocked him out:lol:

3.Hiyori-this little kid vizard has some serious anger issues and really comedic scenes to boot:lol: She's almost as short if not taller than Captain Hitsugaya:lol: Don't believe me? Take a look at their zanpaktous, the thing they have in common is that their zanpaktous is longerthen they are tall:o

2.Kensei-yes the vizard I like to refer to as an old man:lol: He didn't make my list because I play him in the Gotei 13, he used to be Captain of the 9th Squad and he's showed it on more than one occasion, even choosing to help Ichigo with his little problem

1.Lisa-she may like questionable books, and I mean questionable books:lol: But heythat didn't the school girl looking vizard from being number 1 in my books.

There's somethin else you didn't know about me, thanks for reading and pray the bored bug doesn't hit you like it did me:lol: See ya.

Steelers=Total Ownage!!!!!

HAHAHA!!!!!!!!Steelers win!!!Steelers win and for every Steelers fan out there, I'm sure you'll agree when I say STEELERS RULE!!!!!!!!!:P

There are some people who aren't happy the Cardinals lost, in fact I can name one person who's downright angry:lol: He knows who he is:P To all Cardinals fan out there, all I can say is....HA!:lol: But really congrats to the Cardinals, I actually thought they were gonna win when they took the lead late in the fourth quarter, thank you Big Ben and Super Bowl MVP Santonio Holmes.

This isn't much but in my last four predictions for which team would win, I am 4 for my last 4, thats my intuition at it's best:P:lol:

Thanks for reading. See ya.

1st Semester over, bring on the 2nd!!!!!

The first semester of school is over and the spring semester starts next week, until then one week break, YEAH!!!:P

Football workouts are as usual are killer, but for some reason, I'm gettin used to it:lol:

Valentines Day is rapidly approaching and all I can say is, booo!!!!!!!! Moving on, the Gotei 13 is doing well as usual and is gettin crazier by the day:lol:

Thats all. See ya.

School is in Session Again*Sigh*

My sigh says it all, school has reopened and I really wish it didn't. But the funny thing is this week flew by:lol:Its like I blinked and its almost Friday already.

Regents week will start later this month but the good thing, one of mine was postponed until June, hopefully I'll have what it takes to pass it.*Sigh*Man if so much stuff didn't happen im my life, I'd actually be in college instead of a junior in High School, you have no idea whats it like being the oldest junior in my school.

On another note, football tryouts will take place in a few weeks and my friends won't stop pestering me to tryout for it, so I will, wonder if I'll make it.

I just finished playing Rogue Galaxy and I have to say while the game may be good, the final boss is a BIG pain to handle. You have to you have to use ALL allies to pick it apart but the mot trouble I had was using Jaster and a very very BIG sword, when I say big, by time you press the X button 3 times, he's just preparing to swing it at the enemy, and that will gave any opponent more than enough time to hit you and the final boss is powerful, 2-3 hits will kill you dead in no time flat, trust me, the worst part is that if you die at anytime with any ally you have to start all over again, which is a pain because it will take over an hour to beat the final boss. But overall the game is pretty fun and beautiful to look at

Thats all for now. See ya

Happy 1 year Anniversary Gotei 13!!! and more Gotei 13 Oficer's Spotlight

Finally the day has arrived, The Gotei 13 union is celebrating its one year anniversary since it was founded, I'm glad I made it too, now I can party the day away:P Just kidding:P

I imagine the union is goin to be in a riot today, I'll be shocked if it isn't:P Now I did a short Friend's spotlight in my last blog, but didn't have time to finish it, so heres the finished version with previous Captains copied and pasted from my lasy blog

sfkm2- the person who invited me to the union all those long months ago and a very good friend. He plays Byakuya Kuchiki and Kisuke Urahara in the union and he can be very "Violent" when angered, just ask anyone who got him angry But mostly he plays it cool and keeps his composure

missanimefan-the only person I call Rangiku at the Gotei 13, I first met her there and she since has become a one of my friends. When she's not playing Rangiku, she plots plans to take over the union(Which often fails ) But other than that she's fun to talk to and a nice person to hang out with

Dracon_08-the only brat Captain of the union Hitsugaya Toshiro, him and Urahara will often exchange "Words" when they meet and it always ends with Urahara on the winning sideHe'll sometimes get into an arguement with me, but I end up winning as well If you look past the kid exterior, he's actually cool guy to talk to, just don't make a short joke about him, he's very sensitive

Eucalypta-the one and only Yoruichi and Hiyori. She plays Hiyori like a hyper angry girl, in other words she plays Hiyori well When it comes to Yoruichi, her and Byakuya will sometimes get into a game of tag, which will always end with him not catching her She's a very funny person and a cool friend

Nightmare-_--the oldest being in the union, Yamamoto himself I couldn't do this blog without including the leader of the union, it just wouldn't be right. Yamamoto is living proof you can be fit no matter how old you are He's a cool guy to talk to and has a cool attitude, the type of person who won't start trouble

SasukeXXChidori-another old man of the union Ukitake Jushiro, he mostly spends his days drinking his own concoction called Take, made from tea and sake, its not bad once you get used to it, but all jokes aside, he's a person who's easy to get along with

Nicaboy456-maybe the most mysterious Captain of the whole union, believe me when I say he plays Gin so well you'd swear you were talking to the actual character:lol:

Jing16- the most random Captain of the union title belongs to Zaraki:lol: Whenever we're talking about something, he'll just pop up out of nowhere and say or show something completely random, you can say he was blessed with the gift of randomness:P

jeyviolin- the mother of the Gotei 13 who plays Unohana perfectly. You really won't find a much kinder soul than Unohana, always ready to treat your injuries and help you with any problem you may have.

eliteguard91- the one and only Soi Fon and Nel, she can get pretty scary when she's angry which is why most people don't mess with her, except for Urahara:lol: Really you should see those two when they get at each other, it really is a funny sight:lol: But if you get to know her, she really is a kind person

Darkfox55- the one they call Mayuri, he doesn't cause any problems and mainly sticks around the zanpakto threads of the union, when he isn't conducting crazy experiments:P

Darkguard15- the blind Captain himself, Tousen:lol: He can be a joker at times and pretty much point out things others may not notice, he is also a big fan of the anime of Medusa

Itachieyes12- the drunk prone Shunsui himself:lol: He spends his days drinking sake and well...not much else:P When he isn't drinking he's busy joking with friends, he's a cool friend and always provides a good laugh

And lastly me, I play Komamura, Kensei and Ichigo but thats all I'll say:P

Thanks for reading. See ya.

1/1/09=The Start of the New Year!, Friend Spotlight from the Gotei 13

FINALLY!!!!The stress of 2008 is over!!!!Now I focus on my new year's resolutions

1. Break my Valentine's Day Curse!!!!!-You all know what I mean by this, nuff said.

2. Get my comp fixed-Incase anyone was wondering, no my comp still ain't fixed yet*Sigh*

3. Develop a tolerance- This is a resolution I made last year and never kept:lol: Never hurts to try again

4. Get a job this summer-Another resolution that failed last year but this year I will get one

Those are all my resolutions(Hope I get them done:P)

Anyway most of you guys know tomorrow is the Gotei 13's anniversary day of when it was founded so just for the occasion, I'll do a friend's spotlight

sfkm2- the person who invited me to the union all those long months ago and a very good friend. He plays Byakuya Kuchiki and Kisuke Urahara in the union and he can be very "Violent" when angered, just ask anyone who got him angry:lol: But mostly he plays it cool and keeps his composure

missanimefan-the only person I call Rangiku at the Gotei 13, I first met her there and she since has become a one of my friends. When she's not playing Rangiku, she plots plans to take over the union(Which often fails:lol: ) But other than that she's fun to talk to and a nice person to hang out with

Dracon_08-the only brat Captain of the union Hitsugaya Toshiro, him and Urahara will often exchange "Words" when they meet and it always ends with Urahara on the winning side:lol:He'll sometimes get into an arguement with me, but I end up winning as well:roll: If you look past the kid exterior, he's actually cool guy to talk to, just don't make a short joke about him, he's very sensitive:P

Eucalypta-the one and only Yoruichi and Hiyori. She plays Hiyori like a hyper angry girl, in other words she plays Hiyori well:lol: When it comes to Yoruichi, her and Byakuya will sometimes get into a game of tag, which will always end with him not catching her:P She's a very funny person and a cool friend

Nightmare-_--the oldest being in the union, Yamamoto himself:lol: I couldn't do this blog without including the leader of the union, it just wouldn't be right. Yamamoto is living proof you can be fit no matter how old you are:P He's a cool guy to talk to and has a cool attitude, the type of person who won't start trouble

SasukeXXChidori-another old man of the union Ukitake Jushiro, he mostly spends his days drinking his own concoction called Take, made from tea and sake, its not bad once you get used to it:P, but all jokes aside, he's a person who's easy to get along with

Thats all the friends I'll cover for now, I'll do a cover of more people in another blog. See ya and Happy New Year.

One Year on GS and Happy Holidays everyone!!!

How long has it been since I last posted a blog???3 maybe five weeks.....oh well, its been awhile anyway. Moving on, 2 things I'm celebrating, Christmas and my 1 year since joining Gamespot!!!

Christmas vacation starts today and I have a ton of homework to do, I might do it, hopefully not on the last day of vacation:lol: I won't be going anywhere for the 3rd straight year which is how I like it.

December 23rd marks the one year since I joined GS, it was around this time I made this account and I've had plenty of fun memories here on this site:lol: But I've had some not so good:| But overall I've pretty much enjoyed my time on this site and hope to plenty more

Thanks for reading, see ya and Merry Christmas everyone who celebrates its!!:D

Midterms are Over, Vacation has Started and Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!!

The blog title pretty much explains it all, but first. My midterms lasted for a week with a majority of them having at least two parts, my Chemistry midterm had 3, Math, Spanish, English had 2 parts and my Film(A class dealing with movie, tv and radio production), and AP US History midterms only one part thankfully. I think I did pretty well with my midterms except for the accursed MATH, I hate that subject!!!!!Moving on, at least its over now:D

Thanksgiving vaction started today and I can't explain enough how happy I am:DNot only because of the fact I'm not goin to school but the food being made today is INCREDIBLE!!!!Yeah I may just turn fat because of it:P:lol: But oh well, I keep in good shape so no worries:P

Finally, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, see ya around the boards!:D