D1G1T4L-F34R's forum posts
Il start:
May the pants be with you
The pants are strong in this one
I find your lack of pants disturbing....
kk, lol, i get it now.
CODWAW,,,,anytime I have someone over thats all we play. Just the nazi zombie mini game...TJSAGE
I agree, Nazi Zombies is the only game mode worth playing. The campain is ok, but not good enough to engage me. The multiplayer is just horrible. The maps are unbalanced and if you have a bad spawn point, you might as well leave the match.
When i walked out of the theater after first watching TDK, i was like "wow, cant wait for number 3, i hope the Riddler is in it for the obvious reason of Nolan took the Joker and Two Face, and made the movie into a crime drama, imagine what he would do with a smart villian!!!"
Now im like **** i jinxed it, Eddy Murphy wants the play the Ridller!!!!"
God Damn..... If he gets casted, Nolan should run his but out of this debacle erst he loses his rep as a kick ass director/ screenwriter.
[QUOTE="honkyjoe"]Israel is just a US backed terrorist right now. They need to consider the consequences of their own actions. Just because we don't hate them doesn't measn the rest of the world doesn't.Stevo_the_gamerUnited States took a neutral approach to the current situation. Try again.
A neutral stance on a warcrime does not befit a nation that touts its self as the "leader of the freeworld." Try again. Your Jewish lobby would never allow anything other then a neutral or positive stance anyways.
Hamas is a terrorist group right? They hide behind civilians firing rockets into Israel, so they are terrorists.
Right now, the US and Britain are fighting terrorists. We are using and spending a great amount of resources on fighting these guys in the middle east.
So now that Israel is going to go and kill a few of their own terrorists, everyone gets mad at them? HELLO?! THEY kill America-hating terrorists, not us. We don't lose any soldiers over there. They are practically mercenaries for us. This is a win-win situation!
Yes, civilians die, but if you willingly choose to hide terrorists, I don't have too much sympathy for you.
I dont think you would be so bigoted if you looked at some pictures of the living conditions in Gaza. Maybe, instead of posting such ignorant remarks on the internet, you should look into what your writing about. Hamas' actions are directly caused by a need for action to be taken on the inhuman living conditions that Israel has relegated Gaza's inhabitants to. They bulldozed a nation to make their "paradise on earth," thereby condeming a country of people to live lives as either refugees or prisoners of hell. The Gaza strip, is nothing more then a glorified, bloated concentration camp. Israel has stopped food and medical supplies from entering the region, so direly in need of it, for the last 17 (SEVENTEEN!!!!!) months. I dont know about you, but living without food, money, healthcare, shelter and safety is not something I would wish upon anyone. So what Hamas fired some rockets into Isreal. They took action and grabbed the attention of a world so perfectly capable of turning a blind eye to humanitarian crisises. The U.N aid stopped long ago when they were attacked by Israel, there is nowhere to turn too. Every day, people and children die at the border because they are not allowed to enter Israel and have access to basic medial attention that even our dogs are acustemd too. I dont know where you got the idea that Hamas hates the U.S, as far as I know, no one has yet been able to fire an rpg across the atlantic. They have not harmed you, why do you hate them? One day's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.
Stop acting ignorant, stand up for what you say you believe in - freedom and justice - and help stop the Palestinian Apartheid.
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