D1gitalDiv1de's forum posts
The Wii is so much garbage and everyone knows it. Dead Rising was a mediocre game at best when it was released like 5 years ago. Congrats Wii owners you FINALLY made it to the party!!
[QUOTE="JangoWuzHere"][QUOTE="SF_KiLLaMaN"] its better to aim on the wii than use those stupid analog sticks. analog sticks were not made for FPS or you would not need aim assist. if you want to have a fun experience aiming with the wii remote with the sacrifice of some content choose the wii, but if your good at FPS with the 360 and want the full game go with the 360 version.Willy105sorry but no. The Wii is crap for FPS. its to hard to aim and the paceing is horrible for it. The countrols are much worse then a countroller which isn't really good for FPS either That what do you suggest? The Wiimote works in the same way as a Mouse does, so you can't use a Mouse for an excuse. You have obviously never played an FPS on a PC before with silly statements such as this. Next your gonna compare your television remote to a mouse.
[QUOTE="kayn83"]True, but isn't everything else you said just opinion as well? I rather enjoyed Metroid Prime 3's FPS controls.JangoWuzHereYes its my opinion. the wii's FPS controls are terrible. The Only possible way to get them to work well it for the thing to have an auto lock system like in MP3. This man speaks the truth. You probably like MP3 because it was so easy. I mean you never really had to aim at anything because the game would lock on for you. I turned that option off immediately and the game still sucked...The Wii sucks actually it really really does :(
[QUOTE="D1gitalDiv1de"]There actually isn't any reason to purchase a multiplat game on the Wii if you have the option for getting it on the PS3 or 360 because everyone knows the Wii is actually garbage. Plus World at War was designed to be played with dual analog sticks/KB and Mouse; that point and click with your "Wii Gun" crap is just a gimmick. SF_KiLLaMaNits better to aim on the wii than use those stupid analog sticks. analog sticks were not made for FPS or you would not need aim assist. if you want to have a fun experience aiming with the wii remote with the sacrifice of some content choose the wii, but if your good at FPS with the 360 and want the full game go with the 360 version. Actually it's a lot more intuitive on the analog sticks than on the "wiimote" because the game wasn't designed specifically for the Wii. It's like trying to play a racing game with a mouse and keyboard...sure it's possible but why?
[QUOTE="D1gitalDiv1de"][QUOTE="110million"]I do 90% of my multiplayer gaming locally, so when its not there, its usually a reason to not buy the game. DeadMan1290
So you must be scared to play your games online then.
Dude! It's preference it doesn't anything to do with fear. If you don't like it don't use it. No I have several friends who are like terrified to get their asses handed to them in any sort of online multiplayer. It's like they actually care what people over the internet think about them so much that they don't want to get told how much they suck at Halo 3 from some 9 year old. Unreal Tournament (UT99) was my first FPS ever and I got destroyed for months before I got the hang of it. Some people really are scared of online gaming though it has nothing to do with preference I assure you.[QUOTE="D1gitalDiv1de"][QUOTE="110million"]I do 90% of my multiplayer gaming locally, so when its not there, its usually a reason to not buy the game. 110million
So you must be scared to play your games online then.
Yes, I shall bow before your mighty superior gamerscore or whatnot. You're defiantly right, it has nothing to do with the fact that I'm busy with college during the week, and when friends come over every weekend, I don't think its right to ask them to entertain themselves while I play online. No that would not be fair to your guests, but I bet you don't even game when your friends aren't around. That's what I meant about you being scared to play online.
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