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#1 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts
you can't call it AAA until it gets that scoreGunSmith1_basic
You see, this is what I was thinking. Ubisoft are claiming that their MMO is a AAA title, when it hasn't even been released. The only plausible solution I can come up with is a MMO of an already existing AAA title. Assassins creed MMO?
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#2 D4W1L4H
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Ubisoft Quebec employee Emile Gauthier has recently tweeted that "Ubisoft Quebec is working on a NEW AAA MMORPG Game and we need people to fill these very strategic positions."


Ubisoft Quebec facebook page:http://www.facebook.com/ubisoftquebec?sk=app_404596412628 : Under the work for us tab, has listed three new full time listings on Dec. 5th. Being:

  • "Senior Engine Programmer - Wii U - AAA title"
  • "Network Programmer - Wii U - AAA title"

Sorry, linking wasn't working.

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#3 D4W1L4H
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[QUOTE="Aquaunitpatrol"] The Op isn;t saying that, the OP is saying that theremain attraction for the system is introuble It'll still sell, all the nostalgic fanboys will buy anything nintendo, but will it sell well? Will it make a profit? Or will they surprise with tis first party line-up? Or will it, possibly. maybe, change it's 1st party IPS and revamp them so I can stop saying nostalgic fanboys? That could be the day, and the day may come soon.Aquaunitpatrol

None of the OPs points can be taken seriously. They're all just a bunch of shallow assumptions based of hate andcynicism.

  • Now I don't know if you've been looking at magazines and/or been watching TV but there are games for all 3 "Current" systems that use a Tablet as the controller.

Currently, there is no controller, similar to the Wii U controller on the market.

The Udraw =/= a tablet. The Udraw more closely resembles a graphics tablet, which is far off a tablet. Graphics tablets offer far less functionality than a tablet and are primarily used for art/graphics, where as tablets may be used for touchscreen capabilities.

So no, there has been no console games that use a tablet.

  • while to us hardcore gamers these games may lack any dept, you have to realize that this is or at least could spell danger for the Wii U gimmick protection.

Since when did being a hardcore gamer fore you to be overly cynical about anything 'new'? Note you called it a gimmick right after claiming that it's already been done only recently. Just contradicted yourself there buddy. I honestly have no idea why Nintedhaters have to lable everything they do a gimmick, when in fact, the touchscreen has been used countless times throughout loads of different industries. How is it a gimmick when it has already been popularized?

  • 1. The first thing would be when the Wii U comes out, its controller would no longer be anything special or attractive to the system. Especially since if people improve these tablet game controllers enough before the Wii U comes out, the Wii U tablet controller could be considered inferior.While yes, (for now) the Wii U tablet controller can do things others atm can not, realize that the controller is the soul part of this systems sucess and how the games play with it.

Again, your comparing a graphics tablet to a touchscreen. It's impossible to further push a graphics tablet beyond drawing, where as the Wii U controller offers boundless plains of immagination. There is no way in hell, a graphics tablet could ever reach a superior level over a touchscreen display in terms of gaming possibilities.

  • 2.Becuase of the casual nature of the already released Tablet game controllers, after the release of the Wii U it may end up once again getting the majority of casual games again stopping Nintendos promise of returning to the core, and to keep up financially, eventually they will need to release games that appeal to the crowd. The fanbase will once again be mostly casual players, later leaing the system in the state the Wii currently is now. But as said above this time it might wear off even quicker since variations of the same idea are already out.

refered above regarding comparison - 'The majority of casual games...again stopping Nintendos promise of returning to the core' Is disputable, seeing as the PS2 is widely regarded a 'hardcore' console yet, it still has the most shovelware/casual titles out of every console in existence. FACT. Do you know why it has so many? Because of unit sales. Developers release shovelware on units with large install bases to make a quick profit to fund their bigger titles. Developers aren't going to release shovelware on a system with a small install base.

  • 3. Nintendo will eventually be affected by this, so what will they do with the Wii U controller to make it different from the ones out? Do they have a back-up plan> My main problem here is that Nintendo is literally relying on the controller hardwarewise. While many Nintendo fans are excited for HD, Nintendo is and devs are still focusing on the controller that is supposed to make the system shine. But they need more then that. If they have an AMAZING 1st party established IP launch, with HD, and a revamped internet, and a cheaper then expected pric, that may actually save them. But atm, it seems the controller is all they are focusing on. Which could cause something wrong, or one of the above, to happen.

There are no 'ones out' as previosly stated.

So, a kid on SW knows that Nintendo is for some reason, suddenly changing from foccusing from the game, to the controller hardware, which goes against everything Nintendo has done in the past. No, they're focusing on making the game play well with the controller. Also, Nintendo fans would know better then to be excited over HD. Sure, they're excited they can now see their favourite games in HD, but i doubt that's what their main attraction is. It's more so the features of the controller implemented into gameplay, creating new forms of enjoyment.

Saying 'AMAZING 1st party established IP launch, with HD, and a revamped internet' Is completley refuting what Nintendo has personally said, aswell as rumors circulating. So saying that the 'Wii U is looking less of an investment every week' does not make sense as new rumors refuting your words are put out every week.

Nice way of showung fanboyism when the thread is not a hate thread. Wow learn twi actually read. Those letter? You read them. Try slowly the fisrt time. Literally, if you payed attention the U draw is not the only tablet mentioned. Read the thread. If you alsop knew anything about ssystem wars, there are literally only two types of gamers. So me saying hardcore is being safe so the fanboys and the regulars don;t jump on me as discussed in the thread you did not read. But it seems forgot to make the thread idiot proof. Also everyhting else you amde is copy and paste nintendo defense which has nothing to do with thwat the thread is saying. As soon as JNintendo is on a thread, it's a hate thread. A wii u hype thread accidentally got posts from a guy defending Nintendo. because like you, he was stupid and could not read!!!

If you learn to read, you would understand that the Wii U controller is no where equal to the Udraw, nor is the Udraw even a tablet. All you have said in this post is "Herp derp fanboy alert!" when in fact, I completley blew away your points, leaving it useless.

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#4 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts


Funny how literally every new platform starting with this gen has been labeled a disaster from the get go.

360, PS3, Wii, PSP, Vita, 3DS, Wii-U, even the damn PC is dying if you go by what these idiots say. And as soon as MS and Sony announce their new platforms it will be "OMG Sony digging their own grave, MS is doomed!!!1!!1!1".

Platforms can fail, I'm aware of that, but most of the time its just some idiot wishing death on a f*cking piece of hardware for no damn reason.


The Op isn;t saying that, the OP is saying that theremain attraction for the system is introuble It'll still sell, all the nostalgic fanboys will buy anything nintendo, but will it sell well? Will it make a profit? Or will they surprise with tis first party line-up? Or will it, possibly. maybe, change it's 1st party IPS and revamp them so I can stop saying nostalgic fanboys? That could be the day, and the day may come soon.

None of the OPs points can be taken seriously. They're all just a bunch of shallow assumptions based of hate andcynicism.

  • Now I don't know if you've been looking at magazines and/or been watching TV but there are games for all 3 "Current" systems that use a Tablet as the controller.

Currently, there is no controller, similar to the Wii U controller on the market.

The Udraw =/= a tablet. The Udraw more closely resembles a graphics tablet, which is far off a tablet. Graphics tablets offer far less functionality than a tablet and are primarily used for art/graphics, where as tablets may be used for touchscreen capabilities.

So no, there has been no console games that use a tablet.

  • while to us hardcore gamers these games may lack any dept, you have to realize that this is or at least could spell danger for the Wii U gimmick protection.

Since when did being a hardcore gamer fore you to be overly cynical about anything 'new'? Note you called it a gimmick right after claiming that it's already been done only recently. Just contradicted yourself there buddy. I honestly have no idea why Nintedhaters have to lable everything they do a gimmick, when in fact, the touchscreen has been used countless times throughout loads of different industries. How is it a gimmick when it has already been popularized?

  • 1. The first thing would be when the Wii U comes out, its controller would no longer be anything special or attractive to the system. Especially since if people improve these tablet game controllers enough before the Wii U comes out, the Wii U tablet controller could be considered inferior.While yes, (for now) the Wii U tablet controller can do things others atm can not, realize that the controller is the soul part of this systems sucess and how the games play with it.

Again, your comparing a graphics tablet to a touchscreen. It's impossible to further push a graphics tablet beyond drawing, where as the Wii U controller offers boundless plains of immagination. There is no way in hell, a graphics tablet could ever reach a superior level over a touchscreen display in terms of gaming possibilities.

  • 2.Becuase of the casual nature of the already released Tablet game controllers, after the release of the Wii U it may end up once again getting the majority of casual games again stopping Nintendos promise of returning to the core, and to keep up financially, eventually they will need to release games that appeal to the crowd. The fanbase will once again be mostly casual players, later leaing the system in the state the Wii currently is now. But as said above this time it might wear off even quicker since variations of the same idea are already out.

refered above regarding comparison - 'The majority of casual games...again stopping Nintendos promise of returning to the core' Is disputable, seeing as the PS2 is widely regarded a 'hardcore' console yet, it still has the most shovelware/casual titles out of every console in existence. FACT. Do you know why it has so many? Because of unit sales. Developers release shovelware on units with large install bases to make a quick profit to fund their bigger titles. Developers aren't going to release shovelware on a system with a small install base.

  • 3. Nintendo will eventually be affected by this, so what will they do with the Wii U controller to make it different from the ones out? Do they have a back-up plan> My main problem here is that Nintendo is literally relying on the controller hardwarewise. While many Nintendo fans are excited for HD, Nintendo is and devs are still focusing on the controller that is supposed to make the system shine. But they need more then that. If they have an AMAZING 1st party established IP launch, with HD, and a revamped internet, and a cheaper then expected pric, that may actually save them. But atm, it seems the controller is all they are focusing on. Which could cause something wrong, or one of the above, to happen.

There are no 'ones out' as previosly stated.

So, a kid on SW knows that Nintendo is for some reason, suddenly changing from foccusing from the game, to the controller hardware, which goes against everything Nintendo has done in the past. No, they're focusing on making the game play well with the controller. Also, Nintendo fans would know better then to be excited over HD. Sure, they're excited they can now see their favourite games in HD, but i doubt that's what their main attraction is. It's more so the features of the controller implemented into gameplay, creating new forms of enjoyment.

Saying 'AMAZING 1st party established IP launch, with HD, and a revamped internet' Is completley refuting what Nintendo has personally said, aswell as rumors circulating. So saying that the 'Wii U is looking less of an investment every week' does not make sense as new rumors refuting your words are put out every week.

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#5 D4W1L4H
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[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]I didn't say FPS but that's one of the genres that a tablet/controller would be annoying. Any action game as well. Why would I want the HUD or stats from any action game on the controller. I would have to pause and look down at a smaller screen at a lower resolution.

Again, it could work well with RPGs, MMOs and RTS but I don't see those coming to the Wii U.


Again, you're not thinking outside of the box. Why are you only thinking about stats and the HUD. Put other things on the controller. Make gamplay changes to incorporate the controller. Heck, like Aliens: Colonial Marines, you can use the screen as a motion tracker.

The motion tracking idea is a gimmick.

Everything new is a gimmick.

Believe it or not, everything you love was once a gimmick. :o :cry: No! it cant be true!

Yep, that includes Analog, Dual analog, Touchscreen, HD, home buttons, triggers, shoulder buttons, 3d worlds, EVERYTHING. :twisted:

No! Stop! Please!

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#6 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

Anyway, your failing to realize the current fad of touchscreen devices. Everything has a touchscreen input somewhere these days. Even Fridges. Everyone loves touchscreen input, especially the 'casuals' that everyone is refering to. When they see a successor to the Wii, with a touchscreen controller, they'll think "hey look my kids love playing games on my phone, maybe i should buy this for them. Afterall, they loved the Wii, so they'll love the Wii 2." It will have no problem selling, and it will be a great console.

By the way, your references to those U-draw tablets are rediculous. The Wii U controller offers much more functionality than that thing. It's like comparing a bar phone to a smart phone.

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#7 D4W1L4H
Member since 2011 • 1765 Posts

:o That was a really nice UI IMO.

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#8 D4W1L4H
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360 controller. However, the Wii U controller looks like it may take that place.
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#9 D4W1L4H
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The Legend of Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma has told GameInformer that he personally wants to drive The Legend of Zelda series forward. Initially Aonuma was happy making small, individual changes to the series but he now feels it's time to seriously evolve the franchise.

"I started working on the series not at the beginning but part-way through its history. I think because of that, early on I was more looking objectively at the series and how we could change small, individual elements within it, rather than looking at how the series should evolve. As time has passed – particularly in the last few years – I've started to think a lot more about how I can take the series and really make it my own Zelda and evolve it further. As Mr. Miyamoto has allowed me to take the reins on the Zelda series, ultimately that's what I need to do. Perhaps some people will think it's a little bit late for me to start thinking about that, but as time goes by, that's becoming more of a theme in how I'm approaching the series."

"The most important thing about the Zelda series is that the player becomes Link. One of the challenges with full voice is that if we're trying to convey the player's emotion through Link, but you hear Link talking in somebody else's voice, that creates a disconnect between you and the role that you're taking on."

Aonuma jumped in at this point and clarified, "...if you create a game where everybody else in the game speaks but Link doesn't, it emphasizes the fact that he is silent and draws even more attention to it."

Interestingly, though, Aonuma was not completely opposed to the possibility of voice acting snaking its way into the series."

"Of course, this was the first time we went with fully orchestrated songs in the game, and we've seen what that can do to help bring the world alive and make the game that much more fun. We're continually looking at ways that we can evolve the series. We're not confident that we can find the right balance with full voice, so we'll see."

Aonuma also joked, "Everyone would be speaking Hylian, so even if you heard them speak, you wouldn't understand them."

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#10 D4W1L4H
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I liked Banjo and Kazooie/Tooie on the N64. I hated Nuts and Bolts Xbox 360.

I liked Conkers Bad fur day on the N64. I hated Conker Live and reloaded on Xbox.

I liked 2D Mario games on the NES/SNES, but now they don't appeal to me.

I liked Tekken on the PS. Don't like the series now.

I liked Earthworm Jim on the SNES. I hated it on the N64.

I could go on.

But If I say i like Zelda, 3D Mario, or Metroid. It's because of Nostalgia. Why cant the same be said about GTA or TES?