So this is just an overview of the game with any critique set aside.
The multiple gacha elements, notably the Resin mechanic, are causing the community to rise up in arms against the developer. It's very predatory, as bad or worse than some other gacha games. And the rates for 5* are some of the worst in the industry.
It's also not even finished. The Protagonist is missing voice lines in every language except Chinese. English is missing voice lines for certain characters or in certain parts of the story. The profiles of people don't even list the VA's either. Add the Resin stuff? The weekly quests has one that wants you spend a certain amount of Resin, and that amount is ACTUALLY IMPOSSIBLE TO GET as a free player.
Controls are terrible and can't be rebound even though the tutorial tells you they can, the field of view and camera is making people sick to the point some can't play (myself included), there's so many technical issues with the PC and PS4 versions that make absolutely no sense, because the game's been in beta since at least March. The only hotfix that came out so far was to add 60FPS on mobile.
Genshin's core design is okay, but you can feel the mobile elements in it (like no lock-on button) and overall there's a big negative cloud over the entire game.
If for some reason you aren't affected by the controls, camera, field of view or other technical issues, then you will enjoy exploring the world and its story. But otherwise, until the devs pull their heads out of their bum and fix the game, it's a pretty poor experience for a decent amount of people.
@uninspiredcup: "Great" if you're one of the people who actually fit in the IPD range for the headset. Because it's not changeable, unlike the original Rift or the Quest.
@ps3gamer1234: I see that and raise you mine: Date joined: 2003-11-29
Console players got to play it 3 years earlier. That's not fair to PC players, right? This is a frivolous argument. The only reason games are exclusive to certain consoles is to sell said consoles. Otherwise, they can be multiplatform without too much issue, development wise.
Maybe in the far future companies will have synchronous ownership, but until then, everyone's stuck buying separate copies for separate platforms. Or turning to piracy. If I were you, I wouldn't re-buy it either (not because they don't deserve it, but because I can't afford to do things like that), but I would play it anyway.
DAOWAce's comments