@mcnichoj: You can't rebind any of the controls, be it for gamepad or KB/M. Ironically the tutorial tells you you can.
You can't invert Y using a mouse.
These two things alone lock out a portion of the playerbase, be they disabled or just have different preferences. I'm in both categories.
But that's only the icing.
For gamepad, it's using the Asian style confirm/cancel, be it on XBOX or PS controllers. You also can't navigate the menu with the D-pad, like any other title that exists. This was the first uproar in the community about how asinine the controls are. There's not even extra control schemes like practically every other game released on consoles; you get the one style they want, that's it. Uncomfortable? Too bad.
Oh, and enabling gamepad mode completely disables KB/M input, and vice versa. No other game does this.
There's forced mouse acceleration.
X/Y axis are wildly different speeds with no option to change them. (Y is 1/3 the speed of X)
The FoV is low, causing people motion sickness. I can play for varying amounts of time (20 minutes to 6 hours) before getting too sick to continue. My friend can't even play for 5 minutes.
The camera constantly zooms in every time you do anything, compounding the motion sickness problem.
The camera auto-rotates constantly, be it just moving around or ESPECIALLY in combat. Again, further compounding the motion sickness. There's an option to disable auto-rotate in settings, but it does nothing. In fact, a bunch of the graphics options do nothing too.
The game is locked to 60FPS when it was uncapped in beta. Don't know about you, but 60FPS when you're used to 120/144+ looks like 30FPS used to. This, again, contributes to simulation sickness due to how visually unsmooth things are. They have no excuse for this one.
Okay, I'm spending way too much time on a pointless comment on an article nobody is going to read anymore, so I'm stopping here.
If you want to keep arguing whatever you're arguing, have fun, but just know you were factually wrong and opinion has nothing to do with the points I originally made.
@Zidaneski: But the point being raised by the community is that you CAN'T physically obtain 1600 resin in 7 days.
60 minutes in an hour x 24 hours in a day x 7 days in a week / 1 resin per 8 minutes = 1260 resin per week. If you want to complete that objective you need to get more resin from somewhere, whether that's Fragile Resin (which is pretty limited, and you'd need 6 of per week to keep up) or to spend $/primogems.
And this is ontop of the 4 other gacha currencies and things they want you to spend money on.
Developers are so out of touch with reality and how they pitched the game. Even the Chinese playerbase is screaming at them.
@mcnichoj: Maybe because most of the people suffering the problems already quit on launch because the game wasn't up to their standards. FYI, actually search reddit and the official forums to see the amount of threads made on the technical issues near launch and how they significantly dropped off after only a week.
Even more then quit due to finding out it's a gacha game.
Then more quit as they got bored of the gameplay.
Then more quit once they found co-op was a complete joke.
Then more quit once they hit the Resin wall.
Just because a certain segment of players are in a 'minority' because a game gets "10 million" players doesn't mean their complaints are invalid. If it did, then anyone with a disability, be it missing limbs or just color deficiency, is a joke to you.
@Zidaneski:You cannot get the amount of Resin the game asks you to without spending currency to restore it, full stop.
The currency is extremely slow to build up and used on the gacha, which is very important to actually empowering your roster, be it getting characters you don't have, or leveling up their constellation. The power increases can be significant.
There's a number of large posts on reddit from people who've gone through all this. I'm not there yet because I'm suffering playability issues like I talked about, I'm just throwing in the #1 complaint with the game from the community.
DAOWAce's comments