Besides complain about it like we have all these years until developers stop showing off early builds of games that have their fidelity reduced for ALL platforms, instead of just consoles (looking at you, Witcher 3).
This was one of the first square enix RPGs on PC in the modern era. I really wanted to play it, looked nice.
10 years later I finally loaded it up, and it looked extremely dated and didn't properly support widescreen to the point where I ceased wanting to play it.
@wtf_666: People in the US die more from prescription drugs than they do from shootings.
People in the US die more from disease than they do of any other cause of death, by orders of magnitude.
Still completely irrelevant to the ease of gun access and the swiftness in which they can take multiple lives in seconds.
Restricting the methods ill people can use to murder others is the only effective thing we can do in the short term (+detection and security, something STILL lacking across the globe). Guns are #1 on that list in the US.
Doesn't matter if you support or oppose people owning guns; things need to change for the betterment of mankind.
Don't worry, Trump will make sure our gun rights aren't taken away. /s
I should buy a few guns before the next presidential election so I'm grandfathered into the gun reform plan when this shit can finally stop happening!
Unless the reform results in firearms being seized from every individual, there will still be shootings across the country and nothing will ever change.
I swear, we'll colonize another planet before 'peace' ever comes to Earth.
Disgusting change regardless, along with Twitch Prime no longer avoiding advertising (and Amazon Prime price increasing every year), but still. Stop. It only benefits the publishers and harms you, and the industry, in the process.
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