@SoNin360: ^ Minimum wage isn't even close to enough to pay a mortgage every month, yet somehow the government thinks people can keep living off of it.
We've been fighting for the push to raise it to $15/h, and it's been so many damn years with so many politicians (mostly republicans) shooting it down. Yet even when it comes, it'll already be too low again.
Still wondering why anyone would buy these over emulating the games they already own on the old consoles in far higher quality and with far less issues.
"I just want to turn off this LED because it's super bright"
Can't count the amount of times I had to open something up to either fix or modify it, and everything that had a 'warranty void' sticker made me extremely apprehensive about opening it, to the point I think I didn't open a few things or tried what I could to peel it back without damage.
This has always been absolute BS to a consumer, and apparently it WAS absolute BS legally and the majority of us didn't know about it.
If a warranty is going to be void, it should be void when in the RMA process if it shows signs of user damage internally, not just because a sticker was removed.
Anyway, law is still painfully slow to catch up to what's happening in the present..
More bollocks fees to cover more bollocks fees ontop of the continually increasing cost of living.
Still a canceled sub is covered by 5 people still subscribing. How many will cancel? Will Amazon break even or will they rake in a ludicrous more amount of money from the majority who don't care?
Everything in life just keeps going up and up and up, except our wages.
How about QoL features, performance and graphic optimizations and a plethora of other improvements to the core game before shoving out DLC?
Oh wait it's Square Enix; we're still waiting for a NieR: Automata patch to fix all the day 1 issues over a year later. And most of the other games they publish are full of issues too, be it their own developed or third party. Patches? Puh-lease.
@seferoth: At the time it was mentioned in the video? No, it looks the same, if not worse.
If you for some reason think Oblivion looked better in reference to that time, then you really need to go back and look at Oblivion; it's not as good as you remember.
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