Now they just need to add real 21:9 support and not the sickness inducing, cardinal sin, insulting Vert- atrocity they put in, then I'll finally purchase the game.
It's been many years, totally forgot it was a PS4 exclusive when it was announced.
Still, they could've ported it better, like CDPR did with Witcher 2's port to the Xbox 360. Downgraded (obviously) and tuned to its controls; practically remade like Prison Architect was.
You don't build your assets for the lowest common denominator; you just downscale them moving to production builds. Surely they could've used all the highest quality assets for the PC verison. Core game changes would've had to have been a completely different build (again, like Witcher 2), and as a small company they probably didn't want to do that.. so as the result the entire game across all platforms is held back instead of just being held back on one.
It's a disappointment, and unfortunately just one of the many games with this sort of fate. (including CDPR's next game; The Witcher 3)
I can't wait for the Neo/Scorpio; the industry needs them more than ever.
DAOWAce's comments