@Acquire: It's more near the RX 470 on AMD's side.
Don't forget console architecture and graphics APIs are different from PC, which allow them to take advantage of hardware much better than current PC titles. They also tend to run games at 30FPS, however god awful that is. You can get away with that at 4K for some titles.
DX12/Vulkan is finally changing all that, but it's still quite a ways out for developers to properly leverage the new APIs. Once we're there though.. consoles will be completely obliterated.
@A_C_M85: Sad, but true. Many games have surpassed WoW in one, two or a whole bunch of areas.. but none have ever had the amount of content, the amount features, QoL stuff.. everything, that WoW does. It's also based on a franchise, on lore, that hundreds of millions of people absolutely love.
But then again, WoW has had 12 years of development and essentially infinite money. It's basically impossible for anything to surpass it.
Still, WoW's subscriber base fell below half of its peak, and it's still continuing to decrease over time.
The game WILL fall below others eventually; it's just going to still take a number of years.
@rauden: Let me expand on what @m33ts4k0z said with what I can remember at this exact second.
Vindictus (best combat of any MMO to date, still), Black Desert (2nd best), TERA, RaiderZ, Guild Wars 2, Blade & Soul, Age of Conan (melee), Wildstar (mostly), Neverwinter (pseudo), Skyforge (pseudo), C9, Spiral Knights, Dragon Nest, DC Universe Online (IIRC)... and that's all I can remember right now, at least for the traditional 3D MMORPG like WoW. If we throw in side scrolling ones in there.. could list a dozen more.
The only new MMO to release with the old combat system is FFXIV:ARR. The game was originally action combat, but after its utter failure the developers did a complete 180 and essentially ruined the game by changing it into FFXI-2, then shut it down and released v2.0, ARR. Forever disappointed.
I've been playing MMOs since NexusTK (almost 20 years ago, and funnily enough that was action based from a 2D top down perspective). If you can still stand the auto-attack stuff like WoW, cool, but I can't; it's horrible. I forced myself through FFXIV solely for its story, and quit shortly after hitting 60 because I couldn't tolerate the combat anymore. Not only was it auto-attack, it was HALF AS SLOW as WoW. It felt like trying to run through tar.
FWIW, I played WoW for 2 years in vanilla, quit before TBC, played on private servers on and off for about 5 years, then 100% quit the game. Did come back for WotLK and played through to 80, but that was essentially my last real experience with it. Trial'd cataclysm and did pokemon for a day.. trial'd Draenor and logged out in 5 minutes. I was last on for the level to 20 for the Paladin portrait in Hearthstone. I had to play a ranged class because the melee made me want to kill myself (my main classes were all melee too), hated the entire experience regardless.
In other news, my friend is still playing it after 12 years, has put thousands of dollars into it and gets EXTREMELY defensive and insults you if you say even one remotely negative thing about the game, no matter how light.
@Megawizard: Was before it hit Steam. Went into open beta, released for everyone. I played it for a few weeks, logged on every so often. Then one day I check it out again after they added a new class (Berserker, pay only), only to find out my progress was wiped.
This is WELL after you were able to spend money on the game.
So, uninstalled and never went back. Can't say I'm disappointed to see it shutting down.
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