I'd like to direct you to the game's store page on steam. Look at the reviews. Remember the reviews for Horizon before they censored it by converting it to DLC?
Actually, forget it, I'm not going to waste my time.
@saturatedbutter: It's ethics. You don't show a better version of the game then cut back and downgrade it entirely because it won't run on an inferior platform; you cut back the version on the weaker platform instead. It's supposed to improve over time, not get worse.
A lot of AAA publishers have been doing this, and even smaller studios like the formerly well respected FROM Softworks with Dark Souls 2.
I'd blame the developers more than the weak consoles, but they sure as hell aren't helping the gaming industry.
My "gaming for 25 years" comment meant that it takes beyond average gameplay to interest me; and watch dogs and the division are just that; average. I haven't played most of the AAA releases of the last few years because they're lacking in so many areas and just not fun to me. Been playing mostly unique indie games instead.
Both weren't terribly good regardless from my point of view, but I've been gaming for 25 years, so I guess my standards are just a lot higher. (I actually got The Division free and haven't even played it for an hour after playtesting it in beta.)
@merwanor: Same could be said about Elite Dangerous.
I stopped having fun after a week since it was completely devoid of any meaningful content.
But yeah, I more meant it's an indie developed game releasing for the scumbag AAA price of $60. If it was $50 (the PC standard for decades), I wouldn't have a problem and would buy it on release.
@Mirimon78: As someone who's owned the game for a year, including Horizons: There's no content in it.
It's a void of space; and playing a game devoid of any meaningful content is not fun. Woo, running text back and forth so I can grind a better ship until I have too much money with no use until the next ship release; so enjoyable..
The game world can be infinite and it will mean nothing if the gameplay doesn't provide any meaningful fun beyond the initial week or two.
@TonnFool23: Yeah, I regretfully own it, before the price of the base game dropped to $15 on sale. They stole $45 from me, then another $30 for Horizons.
I won't be giving them any more money.
No Man's Sky and Star Citizen are bargains by comparison.
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