The way this article is written makes it sound like he hates Konami and is confused with Kojima.
If so.. that's the biggest damn shame I've ever seen.
Hayter IS Snake. He, or any voice actor for an iconic character, can't be replaced; it utterly ruins the character. I haven't played MGS5 for (mostly) that reason.
@SINISTER_XIII: It's so sad that they can't even run games at 1080p60, a resolution we've had for over 10 years.
Yeah the consoles are cheap.. but console gamers pay for that with sub-par quality games in terms of fluidity (FPS) and image quality. PC gamers pay for it in downgraded games. It just hurts the industry overall.
Really hoping the upgraded consoles have a huge boost in hardware power. We desperately need it, and developers would be much happier too.
@usmovers_02: Should I have just flat out mentioned the 32x and Sega CD instead of referencing old consoles for the people who couldn't understand what I meant?
And no, there is no framerate debate ( My Sega Genesis ran games at 60FPS. Why are the consoles nowadays with orders of magnitude faster hardware struggling to even run at a 30 year old framerate at a 10 year old resolution?
Do people not realize they're on a video game site, commenting on video game articles about video game achievements? That, and not realize some people make playing video games their career.
Upgraded consoles would do wonders for the gaming industry. Finally we could stop the pointless framerate debate (60+ or bust) and articles about them, and we can finally stop having downgraded games because the consoles are just too underpowered to handle them.
Will we finally enter the era of upgradeable consoles once again?
DAOWAce's comments