@CreXONe: My CRT went up to 120Hz depending on the resolution, but boy did it get a bit fizzy when it was that high. I settled on 85Hz at 768 or 960, and then 1600x1200 on my P1130, which was my last CRT (and it went up to 2048x1536!). RIP
Besides, running at 60Hz was kinda bad due to flicker (even if you couldn't see it, but I could). That was bare minimum anyone ran at, at least in NTSC regions.
Really is sad to see we had downgraded our displays for over a decade, and then games downgraded their framerate as well. Now we're in the era of 200Hz LCDs and game consoles are struggling to even maintain 30FPS at a modern resolution. I don't understand how we could go so backwards.. (oh wait, cheap consoles with inferior hardware, hurting every gamer!)
The 2nd game was 60. They'd be literally retarded if they somehow locked it to 30.
Why is this article even needed?
I'm getting sick of seeing all the "herp derp 30 60 fps" articles. I remember when I used to play games at 200FPS on my CRT. Why are we praising developers who oh so kindly give us a glorious 60FPS instead of a peasant 30?
60 is, and has been, bare minimum. My Sega Genesis played games at 60FPS.
Played beta, game was alright.. not good, not bad. It being a cover based shooter was a letdown. The RPG mechanics just make it even worse; like a third person borderlands without any of the crazy loot or character diversity.
Downgrade was really underhanded and I thought they learned better after Watchdogs.. NOPE!
Maybe they should develop games for consoles first so they don't keep lying to everyone...
..or, y'know, actually release versions of the games fit for the system they're on instead of restricting the entire game to the lowest common denominator.
Baron backer, played the alpha and pretty much most of the game they showed in the kickstarter just wasn't there at all. It was just a basic CryEngine 3 SDK level with custom assets thrown in and ran like complete and total arse. Not even options to change anything.
That lead to believe the kickstarter footage was pre-rendered, like how Crysis had a pre-rendered video for its intro (or trailer, I forget).
They released the beta now, so I suppose I'll go back and check it; but this game definitely won't be coming out for another year unless they run out of money and shove it out, like so many companies seem to be doing lately..
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