@Saidrex: And we have people like you, who take what the media and medical industry say at face value and don't actually do any research of your own into how things really are, at least here in the states.
People like you are the ones actually killing those with diseases that are fully curable.
@Saidrex: Cannabis treats cancer cells far better than anything medical science has come up with, complete with a lack of horrendous side effects compared to something like chemotherapy.
Educate yourself about the US medical industry (and a few other areas), nutrition and just plain general health instead of spew absolute nonsense.
@hughesyboozy: I read the first part of the first paragraph, then continued on down and skimmed the rest.
So, yes and no; I read, but I didn't read the 'free' part. Thanks for informing me it's actually free to prior customers; less scummy than I thought.
Still, re-releasing 'enhanced' versions of games is becoming the norm for trying to score more income, since it acts like a brand new release for the same game all over again.
DAOWAce's comments