I think I'm finally done with Gamespot. I was turned off with the last re-design, but at least it was usable. This is just so far gone I can't even look at it anymore.
..Changing the site again when it changed like last year after being the same for 5+?
What, is it going to be reduced in width even more and have smooth edges and large buttons everywhere?
I am sick of this re-design shit for touch devices. It's done nothing but consistently ruin things, including applications (like Windows 8!), and unfortunately it's not going to stop.
x86 will make ports SO much easier for developers. The only excuse as to why there should ever be a console exclusive is to get the console to sell units or the company is supporting the developer to make their game (like Bayonetta 2). There is no reason why all console games from now on shouldn't be multiplatform.
As for the rest of what he said; yeah, of course, anyone with a functioning brain knows this and has known it since 2007 at the latest (Crysis release).
@RyuRanVII A game that isn't even out and has been in development for a stupidly long time (complete with outdated graphics/UI) is somehow at the top of your chart?
I'll go ahead and assume Diablo 2 is too old for you to play anymore.
Personally, I didn't enjoy TL2 that much. Aside from the fact that it had no right-click driving, a key part of Diablo 2 (which I need nowadays to prevent RSI), I just didn't like the theme of the game and the lack of the old barbarian-esque class kinda ruined it for me. Played through the story once and gave it up.
I enjoyed Path of Exile far more than TL2. It is the true Diablo 3 (which I refer to as DIablo 2.5),
As for Diablo 3, there is no denying that the actual combat (ignoring the severely limited amount of skills) is very fun due to its explosive, visceral nature. That's probably the only redeeming factor D3 has. It's a far worse game in every other way than Diablo 2.
I thought they learned after the garbage console-esque tripe that was Lost Planet 2. They even said in their early development video (or maybe it was a convention interview, I forget) that they're going back to the series' roots, aka the first game, and making another in that tradition.
To see the game fail on that account is really sad. I loved LP1 for what it was; such a shame to see the series fall like this, though it did happen to another series I loved.. Dead Space.
DAOWAce's comments