@Styvan My D&D knowledge is in the era of NWN/Baldur's Gate. I haven't read a thing about 4E aside from what I've heard on the NW forums; of which someone claiming Barbarians were removed.
If they are in fact still in 4E, then I'm a bit happier, but there's still a lot of changes I've heard 4E made that I really don't agree with.
The combat was the one thing keeping me playing the game.
Everything else was pushing me away.
As of a few days after its 'retail' release (as if it wasn't already), I finally just completely quit. 80% of my guild had quit by that time too.
Shame they chose to make it essentially vanilla WoW (complete with a plethora of missing features current gen MMORPGs have) with action combat in the D&D setting (terrible 4E at that) instead of an actual D&D game like DDO.
Maybe I'll go back once they finally add a barbarian (lol not in 4E), paladin or melee cleric class; but unless the game vastly changes by then I doubt I'll even turn an eye towards it.
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