I wish ISPs focused on reducing latency (which in turn means providing better reliability) more-so than improving speeds. Ideally they'd go hand in hand, but most ISPs couldn't care less about reliability (especially if it's only a small fraction of their subscriber base) and just want to see their large speed offerings plastered all over their marketing material to attract people.
I've had my fair share of problems with my ISP (Optimum Online, from Cablevision) and boy were they bad (and took TWO YEARS to fully fix). I know how it feels for others experiencing issues as well. My ISP was one of the fastest residential ISPs in the US, but reliability was a different story entirely after their DOCSIS 3.0 upgrade. (Had no other options here aside from pathetic 1Mbit DSL as Verizon never bothered to wire FiOS down my street. Been 3 years since they came around here and 3 years of me continuing to ask for their service. *sigh*)
Hell, my speeds are soon increasing from 50/8 to 50/25. There's a lot of worry that they won't be able to support the upstream bandwidth change due to how oversold they already are. I fear the worse.
I bought and haven't played the game yet, including the good DLC. (Why? I wanted to replay the original Deus Ex, but have too much stuff backlogged so I still have yet to get around to it)
Would be a really damn shame if we don't at the very least get a deep discount on the director's cut. Maybe I can get a refund.. who am I kidding.
Looks like profit losses, shutting down studios (firing employees) and a massive slamming of their company/game (Sim City) is actually opening their eyes.
Color me surprised.
Now to see what microtransactions are in the single player game!
@Inigo1Montoya Well, you heard it from others, but just to respond myself; I was in the alpha and the feel of the game was so much like WoW that I was turned off so badly. I mean, they added jumping, which was 100% pointless and didn't even let you get over obstacles.
Course, games can change from alphas, sometimes quite heavily, but I wouldn't know as I have yet to go back to the game and will definitely not be seeing how it is in release. Maybe if it goes F2P I'll look at it again, but I refuse to pay (again) for something I don't enjoy.
DAOWAce's comments