Yeah; I waited all these years for disappointment.
Don't get me wrong. There's really good elements in the game, the story is very interesting, but the most important part of a game is the gameplay, and it's not fun at all.
@KerrinScott Compared to Torchlight, Mythos, and even Diablo 3, Diablo 2 is far more dark, gritty and realistic than all of them.
Maybe you're interpreting my meaning of those words in a different way than I am. I've seen a lot of people mention the same thing I have, perhaps using more or different words like dirty and muddy instead of gritty.
See this very old petition for an example:
More importantly, look at the screenshots (some of the links don't work anymore, unfortunately). That's some of the visual aspect of the things I'm talking about.
I don't want a licensed game from an universe that's been around for ages, especially with games like City of Heroes/Villians, Champions Online and DC Universe available to play. I'm tired of this 'superhero' genre, especially when most of them have this (subjectively) awful comic book or semi-cell shaded art style.
Their talents would have been better put to use in a sci-fi environment. There's almost no ARPGs in the sci-fi universe, and the ones that are available range from bad to pretty good. (GREED Black Border and Darkspore for two examples)
@Vickman178 I played the demo (and streamed it; archive up on my JTV/YT channels) prior to retail release.
I watched the streamathon (day of reckoning) hosted by Day9 ALL DAY.
It felt nothing but average. Felt like it could've been more, but it just reeked of console quality and had the shortcomings that developers seem to be required to take for console games (including average graphical quality).
Basically, go watch TotalBiscuit's playthrough of it; he basically says everything I felt when playing the demo, but in a well detailed manner.
I really feel that if it wasn't $60 it wouldn't have crashed so badly.
(Also, why have I been directed to the UK version of gamespot? My e-mail is also spammed full of alerts from GS due to this new comment system, yay.)
Gamespot, fix the title. Make it clear that you're talking about CONSOLES. The PC version will always have the superior quality and the title of the article makes it sound like the console version will be superior to every other version.
DAOWAce's comments