By far one of the most interesting game worlds ever created, so detailed, so rich and one of the first games to use physics as an actual gameplay element!!
DAZZER7's forum posts
Hello all, I'm currently in my last year of Uni, hoping to become a games artist and have therefore started my own facebook page/blog. May I ask, if any of you can spare any time, please check it out, click 'like' if you like it and comment if you feel you can offer feedback (positive or critical). The link is in my sig :)
I hopefully have the possibility of 2 internships with 2 games companys based in the UK and may be creating artwork for a game that could be review right here on gamespot XD
I find it amazing that not a single consolite until now has realized that TC is basically making a parody of the usual anti-PC dribble you find in these forums.
Notice the different points he makes, the facts he mentions and how he chooses to interpret them? This is pure consolite logic, that has been revert-engineered, and you guys all fell for it. You are tools.
This thread was made to make fun of consolite arguments, and you guys not only don't see it, but actually argue against your OWN usual arguments... The ownage is so huge, bravo TC.
Oh, and for the average console-loving drooling idiot : of course consoles aren't dying. You know it, I know it, the TC knows it. He just had a good laugh at your expense.
I found it amusing :)
To be honest a game like this doesnt need to be gfx king, to me atleast I like the sound of chopping everything up, so gameplay all the way. Its a nevelty that should take a few days to wear off!
never mind being for kids, this is the REAL purpose for motion control games XDIt's not dieing, but it's certainly morphing into a motion controlled future I have no intention of taking part in outside of drinking games.
When Alan Wake was an exclusive: Cows - ahahah this game sucks, what a flop blah blah blah. When Alan Wake got announced for PC: Cows - errr derrrr wow what a great original and interesting game. I will definitely get this game since I've always been interested in it, apparently.percechLemms, Hermits and Sheep all do the same...its system wars lol
UC3 is untouchable, it uses radically larger texture sizes? can draw significantly more geometry on screen at a time? Can render large post-processing volumes or higher resolution dynamic lighting, maybe a lot more dynamic lighting?! They are all very comparable from Gears to uncharted.
Textures on Uncharted look better,lighting is stronger and shadows as well,fire and water effects are way beyond those found in Gears,which are simulated in many instances like fire which is simulated using spinning yellow textures and look incredibly pathetic,water effects were gears is weaks as well Uncharted 3 is very strong,water on Uncharted 3 is responsive great looking and can even get drakes cloth and hair wet,while gears one is a joke,Uncharted 3 animation is another part which is far from Gears silly stiff animations.
The desert stage alone show how big the gap is,simulated sand that even react according to how drake walk,Uncharted 3 is just a more detail game than Gears 3.
I'm sorry, and I dont mean to offend you but it sounds like you dont know what you're talking about if you think there is a huge gap. The textures and going to be bang on the same power of 2 sizes, ie 256, 512, 1024 etc because both consoles have the same ram/vram capacity, so the overall rendered texture footprint will be on par. Yes uncharted puts more emphasis on lighting but its not the huge gap you make out. The effect are nothing more that combinations of animated alphatests/opacity/specular/emissive maps working together. Again, these all detract from the overall texture footprint and both machines have a very comparable physical limit. Again it goes back to where you spend your budgets and that in turn is an art direction decision. Oh and animation, the animation on some of the monsters/creatures in gears is very impressive. Gears characters just look so clumsy because of their proportions.
Typical fanboy responce for a typical anti PS3 thread.
Hell ben linear has nothing to do with graphics,Halo is linear so is gears,hell gears is even more gameplay limited than Uncharted and doesn't look as good,face the facts uncharted 3 is the Graphics king nothing on consoles touch it,move on.
UC3 is untouchable, it uses radically larger texture sizes? can draw significantly more geometry on screen at a time? Can render large post-processing volumes or higher resolution dynamic lighting, maybe a lot more dynamic lighting?! They are all very comparable from Gears to uncharted.
Ok then, lets count polygons.
I can see the clear winner and you?
There is no way you can tell without seeing edge faces or wireframes. The only way you can tell is how complex the silhuette looks, but even that can be misleading if you have one object with subtle curves etc.
This is actually a typical ps3 fanboy response. So this was expected. You either are in denial or you don't understand what I mean by the term Technical/Visual king. It's as simple as that.
By the way remember we're talking about CONSOLES ONLY not the PC.
Typical fanboy responce for a typical anti PS3 thread.
Hell ben linear has nothing to do with graphics,Halo is linear so is gears,hell gears is even more gameplay limited than Uncharted and doesn't look as good,face the facts uncharted 3 is the Graphics king nothing on consoles touch it,move on.
UC3 is untouchable, it uses radically larger texture sizes? can draw significantly more geometry on screen at a time? Can render large post-processing volumes or higher resolution dynamic lighting, maybe a lot more dynamic lighting?! They are all very comparable from Gears to uncharted.
You wrote quite a bit for me just to say that you have absolutly no idea what you're talking about.
UC3 = best looking console game.
No he's essentially trying to say art is subjective and that its not everyone's opinion that UC3 is the best looking game. UC3 = best looking game is not fact, its opinion.
We could actually go into the most technically proficient graphics and UC3 would probably come out on top, that or Gears 3.
Both Gears 3 and UC3 have very large draw distances and massive sweeping landscapes that make up the worlds that you play in. Both games have smaller levels that is more fitting for their gameplay, thus they can crank all of the same amount of polygons and textures in a smaller area making it look better.
The size of the level doesn't matter in honesty. Larger levels means you're just spreading around the polygons and textures to a wider area. This doesn't make it any more technically proficent. Those games have to use some pretty crafty LoD systems to make distance objects/textures not look like a mess or obviously pop into their higher resolution states when you get within a certain distance.
OP completely ignored the fact that the consoles are hardware bound and you're only going to get so much performance out of them. With the consoles, and even PCs, it's more about how well you spread the details around, not how many you can pump out.
Though given what I've seen from the PC version of Skryim and my time playing Red Dead Redemption and whatnot on the 360 and other consoles games he mentioned, Uncharted 3 looks better than all of them. Little does OP know that towards the end of the game there are some very sizeable and excellent looking levels in Uncharted 3, even larger than Gears 3 levels. Though these levels do have less objects littering the landscape due to having to spread the details around.
I don't know the exact specifications, but from what I can see in terms of lighting, textures, shading, post processing, and AA, Uncharted 3 seems to be the leader in graphical techniques. If you would build a world the size of Skyrim in the Uncharted engine it would probably look better.
Yeah but this is what I mean, I dont know for sure, but I would guess the polycount of gears characters/ monsters are higher, and therefore reduces the budget allowed for environments, its all an artistic choice. Even lighting, do you choose dynamic lights, bake in a lightmap to the texture or a hybrid of the 2 which is what unreal development kit allows for. Its all about budgets and where you spend them and you can guarantee, both engines on each system have been tweeked and optimised to use ever last clock cycle/ draw call and kb of memory.
At that point, it basically becomes, who employs the better artists and therefore its subjective!
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