As someone who doesn’t own an Xbox, I can say that while there are some multi-platform games on this list I really want to play, there isn’t a single MS exclusive one that makes me wish I had an Xbox or want to go buy one.
I was surprised to see there are actually more than 3 films on this list that I’d actually pay money to see in a theater. Godzilla x Kong being the one I’m most interested in (I’m just a big Godzilla fan). But what’s with the misinformation about Civil War? It’s already been confirmed it’s under 2 hours - not over 3. And why the mention of Trump? Divisive as he is, he’s actually done more good for this country than the current senile citizen sleeping at the wheel in the Oval Office. Yes, I said it. Let the TDS comments begin…..
@mediastupid1: Never owned an Xbox in my life. I'm a Sony player, but that just goes to show how much you really know. Kind of like how Resistance and Killzone sold millions of copies each and Haze was a critical and commerciaal failure, but you just keep living in whatever reality you seem to exist in.....
Too bad they didn’t have that attitude and approach from the get-go for the launch of the actual game itself! Instead they robbed a bunch of people of their hard earned money with a product that was CLEARLY not ready for market and ended up garnering a LOT of ill will from consumers and the BF community.
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