Well, its been a long time since i wrote a blog, or even signed into this account. I was extremely active on this website, and i've soaked some time into it over the past few years. Here's an update of my life. I turned 20 this month, I'm a senior in college, and I've been working full time for a year. I traveled to my homeland this summer, and reconnected with a father I hadn't seen or spoken to in 13 years. An enormous relief was felt as I met and learned of his life and struggles, and as he was able to learn about his son, who had turned into a man since he'd last seen him. Anyway, i realize this site is for games, but I thought I would share an important thing that occurred since i last logged on.
I have recently purchased my own home, and have been focusing my life efforts at setting up my future. I decided a few weeks ago that I no longer wanted to devote the amount of time I have been to playing video games. I'm not trying to speak ill of what video games are, or those who play it, but I decided to take a break. After some time without playing I came to the conclusion that I could live without them. I sold my Xbox, and just a few days ago I sold my PS3. I feel a little sense of freedom, or maybe like an opportunity has presented itself because of its disappearance. My fall classes resume tomorrow, and I hope it all comes out well. i'm keeping my account, but I doubt I'll log on anytime soon.
Be well gamespot subscribers!
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