DEWMAN08 / Member

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The Godfather II.

There's always some games each year that sneak up on me, and this is one of them. I am a huge fan of the Godfather movies, and the first game was decent, this one looks even better. From the videos I can see its going to delve farther into the story of Tom Hagen/ the mob in Vegas and the casinos as briefly shown in the first and second movies. Looks great.

Also, on a different topic, I broke my wrist snowboarding on New Years Eve. It isn't the first time I've broken it, so I knew I had right away. Playing was hard at first with a cast, but I got used to it.

10,000 kills and going strong.

A few days ago I passed 10,000 kills in COD4, which is the most kills I've gotten in any online multiplayer game before. When I began playing I used a sniper rifle the majority of the time, but I've switched to playing Sabotage and using a silenced Mini-Uzi.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone.

I just wanted to wish everyone a happy thanksgiving. I probably won't be playing much today, but I might be online playing COD4 after dinner.


Trophies are fun!!!

Well I officially leveled up on the PSN trophies card. I'm almost done with the single player of Quantom of Solace on the hardest level on my second playthrough. I've earned all but 2 trophies on single player, but I haven't played much online yet. I'll probably get some matches in before I return the game later this weekened.

Rented 007.

Its actually pretty decent. I was hooked into it because of the cover system it uses, similar to the newest Rainbow games. The game plays smoothly and the weapons feel nice to fire. The thing I liked most about the game is the combination of gameplay techniques it uses: the cover system, action sequences are played similar to God of War button presses, and the use of stealth which is really a first for a Bond game.

While the stealth aspect isn't used in the majority, its nice to feel the spy part of the game. Also, for PS3 users out there they have featured Trophies!! This is only the second game I've played with it, and its fun to try to get them.

An edit to my previous blog, and lets get pumped.

I've been looking at the information for Call of Duty 5, and I gotta say I'm impressed. The graphics look really amazing, online co-op multiplayer and of course the VS multiplayer.

So, I will be picking up COD5 on Wednesday. I will be renting Mirrors Edge soon. COD5 is a game I could sink much more time into, seeing as how I've put in many days online in COD4. Mirrors Edge seems like the game I might play threw twice, so I'm just going for the rental.

What's a real RocknRolla?

I went last night to the premiere of this film, much to my surprise the theater was unexpectedly empty. Its a great movie, its got action and has a steady line of humor throughout. When it started playing all I could think about was the PSP game Gangs of London.

I highly recommend you go see it.


I got done today with a Heroes marathon. I liked the show when it first came out, but I stopped watching it after only a few episodes. So I watched Season 1,2 and whats out so far online of season 3 to be fully caught up.

Its an absolutely amazing show, so if you don't watch it catch up!