DEWMAN08 / Member

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My thoughts about Max Payne movie.

I went last night to the 12:01 premiere, and I actually thought it was decent. I think a lot of people will be disappointed in it, it is a little bit cheesy. A few of the dialogues are chessy lines that you've seen in every bad movie.

The action is cool, with slow motion sequences that are pretty detailed. I personally haven't played the game, but my friend said it strayed pretty far off the storyline of the game. But if that makes the movie better then they should do it.

My thoughts about Max Payne movie.

I went last night to the 12:01 premiere, and I actually thought it was decent. I think a lot of people will be disappointed in it, it is a little bit cheesy. A few of the dialogues are chessy lines that you've seen in every bad movie.

The action is cool, with slow motion sequences that are pretty detailed. I personally haven't played the game, but my friend said it strayed pretty far off the storyline of the game. But if that makes the movie better then they should do it.

Saw Body of Lies this weekend.

I went and saw Body of Lies this weekend. It's a pretty good flick, lots of explosions and action scenes, but actually had a fairly solid storyline. It felt a lot like a Bourne movie, but it worked out well. I'd give it a B.

Bought an iPod Touch.

I've been eyeing a new iPod for a little while, so I finally picked one up. I got the 8 GB since I mostly use it for music and not so much for video. The applications offered are wide and varied, giving it plenty of entertainment.

Couple of shows and movies I've recently watched.

Well with the release of movies and tv shows available on PSN I've been spending way too much money on shows. So far I've downloaded Season 1 of Burn Notice, Season 4 of Rescue Me, Season 1 of Futurama, about 20+ episodes of Family Guy, Season 1,2 and 3 of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Season 1 of Chuck, and I've got saved on my Harddrive the entire Band of Brothers. When I say season I mean every episode. In addition to these shows I've bought the following movies: Platoon, The Thin Red Line, and rented quite a few others.

Wow, when I write that out it adds up. I love having this capability on my PS3, and will look forward to future releases.

Wow, its been over 2 years on GSpot

Well the 2nd year of being a Gamespot member was last Tuesday. I would say I'm still an active member, though not quite as much as I was in the beginning. I still love the website, the members, and all the games featured. Thanks for a good 2 years, and I will be on for more.

I'm going dirt biking this weekend.

I'm heading up north, (Minnesotans will understand this better than anyone else). Going up with my neighbor and some pals, and we're gonna hit up some trails. I've been looking forward to it all week, and its finally here. I'll be leaving Friday and getting back late Sunday evening.

Also, on a completely unrelated note, has anyone gone to a high school dance after they've graduated? I graduated from high school in 08, and I've got this girl who's kinda crazy about me who wants me to go with her. So, if you've been in the same did it go? Will it be weird? Thanks.

The Fraternity of Assassins Clan.

Well I've officially created my own clan for SOCOM. I've also put the team on Gamebattles, and hopefully we'll get some games going on with other clans when the full game releases. If you would like to join, please let me know. I've already got 3 or 4 members but there's still plenty of room.

Thinking about renting Uncharted again.

I've played through the game before, but that was before the medals. I have the save file, but it hasn't given me any points. So this weekened I'm planning on renting the game to rack up some medals.