Why I've cancelled my Total Access Subscribtion.
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
I haven't had much time for gaming.
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
My summer has been nuts....I took 12 credits at my college, been working at my new job at a local real estate company. You can imagine that would take up quite some time. I finish one of my classes next week, then the other on the 7th of August. I'll have one month until I start Fall semester to do whatever I want. I will maximize my gaming time in that time span.
Anyway, I'm really looking forward to Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway and a few other games coming out soon. See you on COD4 and MGO soon!
Its been a good week to be a gamer.
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
I've really enjoyed watchin all the E3 previews and such, and spent way too much money buying different TV episodes and movies on PSN. This is really what the PS3 needed to compete with the XBL and the services it offers. Its kinda scary to think that at just the click of the X button I can buy so many different things.
Note: I don't really like the new Avatars for XBL, it seems to mirror the Mii too closely...I understand that all the systems and software are going to look somewhat the same, but honestly an avatar system that is basically like that of Nintendo's Mii? Besides, is it really needed for XBL?
Oh my God, I love PSN!!!!
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
I didn't realize the size of the new movie/television available for download! It just released and its already quite large. I bought a movie for 2.99, and I'm watching it right now while it downloads. This has been enough to convince me not to buy a 360, PSN offers this for free while XBL charges....and you now have access to many of the same thins.
I love the direction Sony is going, and I'll be riding the train with them.
Opinions Wanted: Should I buy a 360?
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
Alright, the price drop of the 360 has inspired me to buy one, its pretty cheap and it offers quite a bit. I own a PS3, which I play quite often, however I miss some of the great 360 exclusives such as Halo etc.
So, do you think it would be worth having both consoles? Thank you.
E3 08 and MGO.
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
I'm getting ready to watch the E3 2008 show, im pretty excited about it. I should catch all the major console presentations and earn the badges! I've had quite the dryspell of badges, my last one I think is from E3 07 Nintendo's presentation.
Also I'm almost a level 3 with sniper rifles in MGO, same for runner. I am nearly a level 2 with the assault rifle and I've played for about 15 hours. If you want to play add me.
Does anyone have any advice for MGO?
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
Hancock and MGS 4.
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
I saw Hancock on the release day, I enjoyed it immensely. Its a different from the many superhero movies out there, and it offers quite a bit humor. The action is great, and the storyline develops nicely. Overall I'd give it a B+.
I picked up MGS4 finally on Friday, and I've been playing quite a bit over the last weekend. I'm only on Act 2, but I've been playing mostly online. Its a deep storyline, obviously, and the online offers depth too. I mainly snipe, but I also enjoy doing pistols only matches. Let me know if you want to play. I'm on most nights around 9 pm Central Time. I want to make a clan, but you have to play a minimum of 20 hours first.
Call of Duty 5.
by DEWMAN08 on Comments
I cannot say how happy I am that the call of duty franchise is going back to WWII. My favorite games are FPS shooters, and especially those set in world war 2. There is a certain feeling with these games, and there are thousands of stories that can be told historically about one of the most important events in the world. I think the shift to the pacific is a good move, it will offer different gameplay, weapons, and ultimately a unique setting.
A common argument for those who want the Call of Duty franchise to move on from WWII is that there are so many WWII games already on the market, who wants more? To this I counter: how many Madden games have you bought? How many Guitar Hero sequels? how many Pokemon games? etc.... the point is this: yes there are many WWII games, but each offer a unique experience, just like Madden 2000-Madden 2009, Guitar Hero 1,2,3, and Aerosmith and the many many Pokemon games.
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