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Why I hope The Bourne Conspiracy doesn't fail miserably.

This game is getting me very excited, for a number of reasons. First off I love the movies. They are well done and there is never a dull moment. Secondly: it could be one of the only movie to video game games that actually works. I've played the demo, and it was good but not great, but it gave me a taste of how great this game could turn out to be. From the gameplay videos I can tell that there's going to be a lot of violence and lots of blood. I really hope it turns out good.

Oh I picked up Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. I thought it was about time to try it out, I've probably been missing out.

Recommend me an HDTV.

If you read my prior blog you'll know that I was considering buying a 360, but after some thought I've decided against it. While I would enjoy the exclusives for the Xbox, there are also some great ones coming to the PS3. I'm really excited about the upcoming MGS 4 release, and there are also some multi console games coming soon that I really want to pick up. If I spent the money to buy a 360 I'd have to cut back on the games, and I'd rather play those games coming this summer and fall on my current PS3.

With that said, can somebody recommend me an HDTV in the 27-32 size range. I'm looking for something under 800 bucks. I was given some money for graduation recently, and I think its about time to upgrade my TV. Thanks for the advice.

Do you think i should.....

I can't decide whether or not I want to buy a 360. I owned one for about a year, then it died of RROD and I sold it to my buddy for a good price. I know own a PS3, and I can't decide if it would be worth it to own both. I really like Halo 3, and I liked Mass Effect along with a number of other exclusives, and there are a ton of great exclusives coming soon. Also I really like XBL, so what do you guys think? Is it worth having both systems?

Penalty: Delay of game.

Games lately are likely to get delayed, and now its becoming a common thing that may occur more than one time for each game. Take GTA IV for example, how many release dates did that have, or MGS 4 which we are about to be blessed with. Recall Army of Two, Haze, Mercenaries 2, Killzone 2, and a bunch of others.

I guess I'm a little impatient, but I think they should put a little more thought into how long they need to finish a game before giving out a release date. It must be a lack of judgement, or in a more positive view: they wanted to put more time and effort into the game before they ship. But some games don't showcase that extra time, such as Army of Two which fell short in some gamers eyes. Also Haze seems to have disappointed despite having delayed more than once. I guess all we can hope for is those titles that have yet to bee released take that extra time to perfect their game.

I got a laptop.

I was given a laptop for my graduation gift, its not the top of the line, and perhaps much less than what many gamers would consider a good laptop, but it meets my needs. I got a Compaq Presario C700, its doing good so far. Its got a built in webcam, but I haven't learned how to use it yet. As soon as I figure it out I'll post a video blog, and if its simple enough and time efficient perhaps I'll say what I want in a video blog rather than a written blog post.

Life update, some big changes.

Its been a weird spring, the weather in Minnesota changes faster than the moods of those around me. I graduated from my community college with an AA in History, had my small get together around a bon fire, and it went well. I quite the job I've had for 2 years, and I'm about to start working with my mom's business in real estate. I'm going to summer school at a college, and I'm planning on getting my real estate license this fall, then go to school for my bachelors in business next spring at the University of Minnesota. I have a little time off before my classes start again, I want to try to beat GTA. See you all online.

Had Senior Prom.

Well that little event in my life is done, which is nice because I consider myself done with high school. Prom is fun though, although I am really tired of Hollywood's portraying of it.

Nearly done with finals.

I finished a beast of a paper, I've got two more finals this Tuesday, but other than that I'm done. I graduate with my AA in History on May 16th!!! Then I'll probably transfer to the University of Minnesota for its business program. Oh and I graduate from high school in June. Its a neat situation, I went full time to a community college my junior and senior year, and now I get my AA before my high school diploma!

Yes...I bought GTA IV

I stated a while back that I was going to wait until after my finals to purchase GTA IV, but as I entered my local game store I fell in the trap that is impulse buying. I bought it, took it home, played for about 5 I can't seem to study. Here's my plan to counter GTA's goodness: study all day until about 9 o'clock, and at that time let the gritty, guilty-pleasure that is GTA come out. Why does education continue to interfere with my gaming? I yearn for the day when I can sit my lazy butt on the sofa and game freely.

In all seriousness though, I'm really not going to play it that much this week, but in 2 weeks I can guarantee that I will be on PSN night and day for quite some time. Until then, I'll be buried in a book, or in front of a computer screen pouring my ideas into papers.

Oh and I reached level 18 prestige in COD4.

I finally did Prestige mode.

I took advantage of the double XP weekened on the new maps, and I did Prestige. I'm at level 15 prestige. I wasn't really dependent on any of the higher classes weapons so I'm doing well. I'll do it again, probably get into it again after my finals which are in the next two weeks. Don't expect to see a lot of me in that time since I'll be studying like mad. Anyway, I'm going to pick up GTA after my finals, I really want to do well on them so I'm waiting to play the game....besides that way its like a gift to me after.