DEWMAN08 / Member

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Online problems with Rainbow Six Vegas 2

So Ive got into only 2 online matches, the game has a serious problem. Its a good thing the single player allows you to level up, so I can jump back into the online when Ubisoft decides to grace us with a patch. Im a little upset that it doesnt work right, but the single player is keeping me busy so far. Also working on the first Metal Gear Solid game on the Playstation, which is extremely difficult.

Some new purchases.

So I bought the Metal Gear Solid Essential Collection, which came with all three games for 29.99. I decided to play them to prepare for the fourth coming out in June. I remember back in the good old days sneaking over to my buddies house and playing some metal gear on the PlayStation. Anyway I'm slowly making my way through the first. I also bought Rainbow Six Las Vegas 2, the single player is great, but I'm having a huge trouble getting into online games. Anyone else having problems?

I'm gonna miss button presses.

The following paragraph may contain sarcasm, reader discretion is advised.

With the advancement of technology, apparently it betters society, there are a few things I'm going to miss. Whats happening to a simple swing button, or a pitch meter? Whats so bad about pushing one button at the exact time to hit a baseball, I don't want to have to swing my analog stick, it doesn't feel any more realistic. Frankly I'm sick of of the 2K baseball games, always trying new things, why can't you leave it alone? I don't really like change all that much. If 2K would spend more time working on their core gameplay, (such as running, catching, fielding, throwing, etc.) and less time bringing about change then I think the world would be a better place. So I bear my allegiance to Sony's baseball series MLB The Show franchise, may it live on as long as baseball players use steroids.

I need advice for COD4 multiplayer.

My kill to death ratio has gone down, I've been jumping between a couple different weapons trying to find a groove. For sniping I use the Draknov, I'm at level 37 right now. I also use the AK and the M16A4, but I'm having troubles. Any advice?

I got Army of Two.

Its pretty sweet, haven't tried the online yet, but the single player is good. The gameplay feels like Gears of War, but with a Splinter Cell co-op feel as well. The graphics are nice and the storyline makes sense. Honestly I don't understand some of the reviews out there. If you want to do some co-op hit me up.

Does anybody play GRAW 2?

Seriously there are probably about 20 people online at any given time. If anyone out there plays let me know cause I want to get into some constant games without waiting for an hour to find enough people.

I subscribed.

Thats right, I'm VIP now....I thought I'd support Gamespot and just do it, plus I get some more access so its a good thing.

Metal Gear Solid 4 Videos.

Well I downloaded all the videos for MGS 4 from Playstation Network. There's a really long playthrough of a level that is absolutely amazing. I cannot wait for this game to come out!!!! The only problem might be that I could be in boot camp when its released in June, but I'll be buying it once I'm finished. Oh, I picked up GRAW 2 from Target for 20 dollars.