DEWMAN08 / Member

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I went and saw this last night with some friends....this film is absolutely amazing. The action is original, and reminded me a little of the Matrix, but in a different style. The storyline is good, with some twists along the way that really changes characters and progresses nicely.

The action sequences are amazing, they're very brutal, and you can tell it earned its rating of R fairly quickly. There is a fair amount of humor in movie as well, which makes it interesting instead of a bunch of stupid one liners seen in many of today's action flix.

I'm going to see it a again in the theaters, and this is one movie I'm willing to spend 30 bucks for the Blu-Ray on, it will be a visual masterpiece.

Impressions of Battlefield: Bad Company Online.

I've played quite a bit on the online demo, and its very entertaining. There's more depth to the classes than in COD4, and depending on your load out you will play differently. The ranking system is similar to COD and you unlock weapons and also the extra's by ranking up and doing other things.

The most original part of the game is probably the destructible environments. If there's a building in the way, blow it up with a grenade launcher, if there is an inconvenient wall placed in your path, blow it up. This system takes away the safety of buildings and other destructible cover, and makes the player be more mobile.

There are some bugs in the game, sometimes I've had problems with framerate and also some freezing, but I would think this would be fixed by the full release which I am seriously considering picking up.

My period of inactivitiy.

I haven't been on Gamespot, playing PS3 or basically doing any electronic things because I've been crazy busy with work and school. I'm taking 2 math courses and German this summer at NCC, a college in Minnesota. That and I just started working at an office doing short sales in real estate. I'm finally getting things stable enough to turn on the PS3 and loggin in here for a quick blog. This summer is going to be mad, but I thats okay.

I played the Battlefield Bad Company Demo, I've only played online, not any single player yet, but it seems amazing. What I really like, and it seems to work well is the destructive environments. Taking a grenade launcher to a brick wall is very satisfying, and creates a new dynamic to the battle and the way the game flows.

I have yet to buy MGS4, but will sometime soon.

Problems with my wireless router.

I haven't been online in a few days because my wireless router is having some issues. I know I can fix it but I haven't had the motivation nor the time to devote to the problem. I'll get it done tonight in all likely cases, and be online soon. My motivation will be spurred by my new purchase of Unreal Tournament 3, and its online play.

Also, can't wait for MGS 4, but I wish I had more time to play it. I'm currently attending summer school at a local community college, finsihing my AA degree, but I think I should have enough time to enjoy MGS :)

I upgraded my PS3 hard drive.

I bought the one listed in my last post, it was pretty easy to install, I was going to post a video but I ran into some technical difficulties. It took about 10 minutes, and I recommend it to any PS3 owner running out of room. Oh I also subscribed to Qore, and thats downloading right now. Its a large file, I think its almost 1500 mb, and I heard there's a Battlefield Bad Company demo so I'm excited.

Oh and I bought Unreal Tournament 3, so hit me up if anyone plays that.

I'm buying a 160GB Harddrive.

I found a pretty cheap hard drive, plus I have a hundred dollar gift card to circuitcity, so it'll be six bucks after taxes. Heres the link. I thought it was about time to upgrade since I've only got less than 10gigs left on my 40gig. If anyone wants to buy my 40 I'll sell it to you for 30 bucks. I'll upload a video of the install for future upgraders.

How do you hook up a PS3 to a monitor?

Where can I buy cables that would hook up a PS3 to a monitor? I've heard that monitors are great for gaming, so I thought I'd try it seeing as how they are cheaper than hdtv's and if it works better that'd be great. Please leave a link if you know of any. Thanks

Link to the best PS3 Themes.

This is great website, I'm sure many of you have used it already but if you haven't then HERE to get them. Access the website on your PS3's browser and it will save directly to your PS3's themes settings. I've already downloaded quite a few of them...enjoy!

Level 29!

So far here are my stats for Gamespot since September of 2006:

Profile views: 2502 (+ 14 new)Friends: 57People Tracking Me: 129Games in Collection: 144CommunityForum Posts:2426Comments:0My Blog Posts:106Union Blog Posts:18ContributionsWritten Reviews:8Rated Games:32Videos Uploaded:2Images Uploaded:6Digg Referrals:0Tags:70

I still remember being a level 10 or 12 member and wondering how long it would take to reach 30. I hope this goes quicker than other levels. How do you level up faster? Is there anything you can do to make it go faster?

My progress through Uncharted and future games.

I'm on chapter 10 or 11, titled TRAPPED. How many chapters are there in the entire game? Anway, its a great game. I find the difficulty on normal to be challenging, and I've died a few times :D . I wish there was some online component, but it probably wouldn't be that good anway. This game reminds me of the Indiana Jones movies, and plays a little like the Indiana Jones game released on the Xbox. I loved that game, although it racked up some mediocre reviews I loved it. If you have a working Xbox try out Indiana Jones and the Emperors Tomb on the box or PS2.

With Uncharted on my mind, I hope the upcoming Indy game plays similar to Uncharted. I've read some articles about its game engine and its looks amazing.

I'm really dying to play MGS 4, I'll make a video review/my thought's about it when it comes out.