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Pondering a switch to 360.

Lately I've been thinking more and more of trading in my PS3 and picking up a 360. My neighbor just bought a 360, and when I did have a 360, before it died and I sold it, I played much more with friends and buddies met on Live. The social piece is much more dominant in the 360, also most of the exclusive games that I originally wanted for the PS3 I've played plenty or were busts. So with that said, what do ya think?


I hadn't heard of the show/pilot, but appearently it didn't do too well in the ratings. Anyway, its a great show/movie as fox is calling it. Its a great mix of scifi and mystery with good characters and Peter Berg's kind of directing. Here's a link to where you can watch the show. Enjoy.

Replayed Assassins Creed preparing for the 2nd.

I owned it and played about a fourth of the way through on the 360, then my system died and I bought a PS3. When I saw the E3 footage for Assassins Creed 2, I decided to go back and play it. The second play through was a much better experience. The story made more sense when I went back for the second time, and I beat it the other day. So now I look forward to playing an assassin in the Renaissance! I'm sure the next is gonna bring a lot of innovation.

Uncharted 2 Online Beta.

The online competitive is great, feels a lot like Gears of War, but with all the mechanics of single player of Uncharted. You choose 2 different "Boosters", basically works like perks in COD4. In the beta you have a total of 8 choices, with two different booster slots to upgrade or better yourself in the game. The beta has standard team deathmatch, and also "Plunder" which is an entertaining capture the flag. So far I haven't experienced any lag, and no glitches which is always a great sign in a beta.

The online co-op flows smoothly with up to three players. To be honest, it works a lot like RE5, without the scary/zombie factor. Though the beta co-op is short, it requires teamwork, strategy, and individual players have a lot of responsibility in completing specific tasks in order to move forward.

Overall the beta is a good indicator that Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is going to be an amazing gameplay/theatrical experience that will be enjoyed alone and together with friends online.

Back from a trip to Montana.

The family and I took a trip to hike a bit in Montana, where we were unfortunate to encounter some less than desirable weather. Anyway, I missed E3, but I'll watch it this weekend I'm sure. I also went and saw The Hangover, which is one of the funniest movies I've seen in a long time.

A free game, Terminator Salvation and more.

I downloaded the free PSN game Rag Doll Kung Fu, which turned out to be pretty darn entertaining. It feels somewhat like a Super Smash Bros. game, but with PS3 visuals and rag doll physics. You're able to customize your characters clothing, face, and body and then use it in multiplayer and single player challenges. The maps and world itself reminded me of Little Big Planet. It's free, it has trophies, and it offers quite a bit of entertainment.

Terminator Salvation: I went to see it last night, and I left a little disapointed. While this movie is much better than the previous,the script isfilled with overly cheesy, tough guy, and over used predictable lines.The action is good, butdon't lookfora deep story or twists as this movie is pretty straight forward. I'd recommend a rental unless you're a huge fan of the Terminator series.

That sort ofends Sci-fi May, overall I have to say that Star Trek was by farthe best movie to come out this month.

Why didn't I read the label?

I went to Blockbuster tonight to rent a game, decided to try MLB 09 The Show because I'm a fan of the series. I saw the cover for the show, picked up the rental case directly behind it. Checked out, went home, ate pizza, went downstairs to play only to discover I rented MLB 2K9. Yeah, bummer. I popped it in anyway to make the best of it, only to be disappointed more than I thought I would be. MLB 2K9 is a huge piece of crap. I have a pretty decent TV, usecomponent cables, and maybe I'm missing something, but the graphics aregarbage.As the camera shows the field and players before the game as the preview it feels like a Dreamcast game, then once you enter the batters box there is absolutely no texture to jersey or the batter, and veryhard to gauge depth as well. I played till the 7thinning before throwingin thetowel. I'm just gonna go back and beg....beg them to switch out for the show.

With that said, I'm now gonna resort to plan B tonight and watch Underworld Rise of the Lycans. Hopefully this will be a better experience than thenightmarishpiece of trash 2K tried to pass off as a videogame.

Sci-fi movie May.

I've seen X-Men Origins: Wolverine and Star Trek so far in the month of May,in twoweeks Terminator Salvation opens and I'll be seeing that too. Its been sort of a sci-fi May I guess.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine- Not a bad flick. The story is set years before the X-Men movies out already, as many comic fans know, this movie shows rather briefly the beginning of Wolverine's life and through the movie shows what occured before the first X-Men movie. Although Wolverine is the focus, the spotlight is shared with many other mutants, both new and old to the movie series. While the story isn't anything great on its own, atleast the CG and action sequences are cool. If you do see this movie in theaters stay past all the credits for a little clip thats worth waiting for...don't want to spoil anything.

Star Trek- I've never been into Star Trek, but this movie was aimed at all audiences both longtime fans and the general public. Although I haven't seen all Star Trek shows, movies, etc...the average person will pick up things quickly. The movie is a prequel to all Star Trek's of past, and I was really surprised at the A+ cast that appeared in the film. You'll recoginze many actors, and even some cameo appearances....not going to give out spoilers. Great movie.

And I'll be seeing Terminator when its out too.

$10 dollar games at Best Buy.

You've probably read it somewhere, but if you haven't I'll let you know that Best Buy is having a hefty sale on next-gen games. Check it out at their website or travel to your store to see what they have.