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GTAIV Trailer

Here is a list of stuff I've noticed in the trailer after watching it about 30 times (its save on my pc:lol: ):
- Subways, they are covered in graffiti and they appear to run on actual tracks, unlike the trains in SA which just kinda followed the lines.

- Lots of new stores.

- A Billboard that says you can "Visit Vice City For $300" and that advertisement is from "Fly US", so I guess they're like a travel agency.

- New skies, they appear to actually move over time, as if its windy. Unfortunately the trees leafs don't really blow in the wind, I was kinda expecting for R* to finally do that since Saints Row had it. I assume the trees will sway though, like they did in San Andreas.

- There are new cars.

- Lots of different pedestrians.

- A Roller Coaster called the "Screamer".

- "Ghetto" area where random pedestrians sit on the steps of houses and the roads have steel plates covering major pot holes.

- Birds look very realistic, unlike the white V's that flew around San Andreas. I wonder if they ever land and sit on buildings. They appear to actually avoid buildings, unlike the ones from San Andreas which would sometimes fly though hills and buildings.

- Story seems to revolve all around the docks.

- The ferry that was only in Liberty City Stories appears to be back, and I guess you'll be able to use it when you unlock the other islands, if there are other islands.

- There are actual real-time reflections in the water.

- Things in the water, including buoy's which seem to actually move with the waves.

- A company, or atleast a building called "Liberteen".

- Shadows move with the sun's movement.

- The Statue of Liberty.

- NYSE. On the signs outside it says "To Perform...Chesse Crisis...Energy Prices Up Following Long Decline...Dutch...".

- "GetaLife" building.

- Sprunk is back and is often advertised.

- Light actually beams down through openings in the roofs of buildings.

- Some advertisements seem to actually be animated.

- Advertisement for "Whiz" which looks to be a radio or tv station.

- Advertisement for "".

- Advertisement for "KRONOS" watches.

- Advertisements for "Cluckin' Bell", outside of "Cluckin' Bell".

- Advertisement for "Cola", which almost looks like a real Coca-Cola ad, which makes me wonder if R* might be using live ads in this game to advertise real life products.

- Sign that says "...Something...Liberty City".

- Sign for the Liberty Tree newspaper.

- Advertisement for "Top Hooker".

- Advertisement for "Max Renda", kinda looks like a make-up company.

- A vehicle which looks like the Chyrsler 300.

- A taxi that looks like a Chysler Caravan.

- A taxi which looks like a Ford Crown Victoria.

- A tv had that appears to be showing off a powerful LCPD police force.

- "Mety Theater"

- Advertisement for some sort of sports car.

- Advertisement for "Burger Shot".

- Pedestrians with bags full of groceries.

- Police Car that looks like a Ford Crown Victoria.

- Box Trucks that have the entire back of them covered in graffiti.

- Some sort of transportation device (I forgot the name) that takes you from 1 end of the bridge to the other on a cable.

- Ship called the "Platypus" from "Liberty City".

- Ammu-nation seems to no longer be the gun shop. It now seems to be "...Something...Weapons X"

Mechanics or IT?

Well today I went on a trip with my school to a bunch of trade schools to kinda show us that we have other choices of things to do for a living if we don't want to go to college.

So out of all the courses that I am interested in, theres mechanics and IT. And I'm allowed to go spend a day doing that course.

I'm not really that interested in mechanics, but it will probably be fun to go and mess around with the cars. The problem with going to mechanics school is that I won't lean a dam thing there. The last time people from my school went there for the day, all the people training to become mechanics spent the entire day outside smoking weed. And when someone from my school asked what they could do, one of the people gave them a hammer , pointed at a car and told them to have fun.

I didn't see anything wrong with this course. Atleast in this course I would probably learn something. The only problem I have with it is that it seems alittle boring:| So because I think its boring, you'll probably tell me to go with mechanics, but I just really don't want to waste my day. I want to have fun and learn something, and I could probably do bother at either one.

So let me know which one you think I should do and why.

Dam Cops

Well an undercover cop came to my school today because on Tuesday, people from my school spent their lunch time outside shooting snowballs at cars, and by accident one of those cars happened to be an undercover cop who was watching the area:lol: But when the cop got hit by the snowballs, he got out of the car and just started taking pics of the people who were shooting them at him. But at the time the people from my school didn't know it was a cop and that he was just taking pics for no specific reason.

So today he came in with a big 8x11" pic that shows all their faces:lol:

So after the cop spent about 2 hours in the office, other people started to think he was a cop because of the way he looked, so we look outside and we see his car, and you can pretty much tell its a cop car since its the Police Interceptor version of the Ford Crown Victoria but with chrome rims. But the tinted windows, black grille, and antenna on the trunk give it away.

Then a little while later all the people who were in the pic got called down to the office:lol: Only one of those people actually went to the office, the rest just went home so they wouldn't get in ****:lol:

My Thoughts, GTAIV March 29th Trailer

IMO, I think it is too early for Rockstar to be releasing their first trailer.
Actually, it seems too early for them to have told us anything but the name but here we are with the information that there will be custom content over Xbox Live and what physics engine will be used.

I say its too early because Rockstar has never been a company that releases too much info before the release. As I recall, it was about 4 or 5 months from the release of San Andreas before I think even the name was released.
I actually wasn't expecting anything from Rockstar until atleast May.

But apparently the first trailer is on its way and I would like to share my thoughts about what I think will be in this trailer:
I think that this trailer will be similar to the L.A. Noire trailer. But of course, Rockstar could easily just be "sneaky sneaky" by making this trailer similar to the Manhunt 2 trailer since all that trailer shows is a few flashes of the characters and setting. But if Rockstar did that, I feel people will be pissed since judging by the people on the GTAIV forums, they have high hopes for this trailer.

But I think this trailer will just contain the bare basics, setting and main characters put into a short will that I think won't last more than 60 seconds.
I think that is the reality since many people want this trailer to contain actual gameplay. When I see people who are hoping for that, it makes me laugh inside because even though Rockstar has released a lot of information very fast for the first time, I doubt they will show gameplay.

But after the trailer is released, I think Rockstar will release artwork that contains cartoon like drawings of the main characters with scenery from where this game will take place.


Well I just rented Borat a few hours ago and when I got home I seriously thought that the video store actually rented me a copied version of Borat.
Apparently not since the company name that is on the top of the DVD does not exist and on the right side of the disc, it says "FULL SCREEN © 2007 FOX".
It even has the lines that most blank discs have (the ones near the bottom that I guess are meant to write on).

Heres a pic:

Don't Buy This Power Supply

I am making this review of a power supply that I bought on Saturday because IMO, it is a peice of ****.

They're called the Antec Smart Power 2.0:

I find them to be crap because I bought the 400W after my old power supply fried and I soon found out that this Antec power supply was meant for the garbage. This power supply couldn't handle running my computer for more than 5 min at a time, it would simply over heat and turn off if I let it go for longer than 5 min.

So I went back to the store today to get a more powerful power supply thinking that 400W just wasn't enough to run my computer. When I got there and asked to exchange it, the guy told me that this type of power supply is only meant to run the most basic computer (motherboard, 1 HDD, 1 drive, no fans, the basics).

I believe the reason is always overheated was because its got a thing in it to try save power. It saves power by only turning on 1 of its 2 fans all the time and it only turns the other one on when the power supply is just seconds from overheating.

So stay away from this type of power supply. But Antec still has good products, I ended up leaving the store with another Antec.

Fun Day

Well today someone from my school put up a video on YouTube that shows all the stuff that is broken around my school.

You can watch it here:

And when I got home from school, I blew up a bottle of diet coke with Mentos8) now the sidewalk is covered in frozen coke:lol:

And about 20 min ago my Science teacher called my house, he asked for my dad but instead my grandmother gave me the phone. When I started to talk he assumed I was my dad and asked me why I wasn't in his class on Thursday:lol: I explained as if I was my dad and now I'm not getting in trouble for skipping his class:lol: