I think that people need to understand that coding and programming aren't the only things involved when making a game. Pulling off a large scale project like this displays a wide range of skills. I don't think that guarantees him a job by any means, but he has certainly proven that he is able to produce something from start to finish.
@noandno @theKSMM Programming isn't the only skill used in game development you know. Storyboard and designers are important pieces in the process too.
@Anxiety21 @infestedcyborg1 I have to agree with you. I can't say that Destiny is the game that I am most excited about but I will definitely give it a shot. As for Titanfall, I personally have no interest in playing it. In my opinion, it looks like a snooze fest.
@CaptainBerserk @DTH17 @Billy_Inc That would certainly be a better solution if anything. But gamers still haven't lost anything because of this. The game was intended to be sold at 59.99 and now it is. End of story. People were prepared to pay that when the release date was given.
@PlatinumPaladin But they aren't being charged an "extra $20". That was what the price was supposed to be from the beginning. The same price as every other new title that launches.
@blackace How are the gamers losing out? Weren't these people prepared to pay the normal fee of 59.99 anyway? Sounds like everything is back on equal ground now. Plus Quantic Dream will be able to turn a profit. Really it wouldn't have been Sony losing out. It would have been the developer
@Billy_Inc Let's not take this all out on Sony here. True they were the ones that messed it up but if they allowed that to happen the developer Quantic Dream would have little to no profit which would be a very bad thing. Quantic Dream makes great games and I for one want them to continue making great games.
DTH17's comments