@DawgByte2 Umm, probably because the entire video was making fun of something in one way or another. I seriously doubt that in any other video that contains actual news they would use that term. But since the entire thing was satirical anyway it really doesn't matter.
@AerLightwing @johnritter4141 It's more than just the "kiddy label". Nintendo made a good choice with incorporating some of the big multi platform games but when it comes down to it, Nintendo's exclusive titles are still things like Super Mario and Donkey Kong. True I had some great times playing those games while I was growing up and even to this day I will play any Legend of Zelda title, but I have grown up since then. Why not get an Xbox or PlayStation that can play the multi platform titles AND offer me an exciting new exclusive? Seriously, how many times can I play Mario Party 29 before I'm ready to move onto something else?
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