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a message to 3rd party developers

E3 2008 is so close...

And the xbox and Ps3 look like they are gonna have some huge games announced.

Mostly from 3rd party companies.

I hope some third party companies will offer a huge(established)(new) franchise to the wii...Something like a portal 2 on wii would do it.

We need more great 3rd party support for the wii! bring soul calibur 4, burnout, battlefield, and other franchises to the wii. Please EA, don't shut us out.

Is it because the wii has worse graphics? true, but look at mario galaxy and metroid prime 3, they have excellent graphics-worthy of the 360. just spend some time making these games look good and play well, and I will buy them! I'm okay with using a gamecube controller to play games...It's fine! I prefer using a gamecube controller for fire emblem and mario kart wii.

What do you guys think?

sell your copies New Super Mario Bros to gamestop now!

why, you ask?

It's worth $20 in store credit!

I went to gamestop yesterday, and traded in a couple of DS games and a gamecube game for........$72!!!! I was expecting $25!

But it gets better....I paid an extra $15 for a subscription to gameinformer and an extra 10% on the games I traded in... which brought the total on the games I traded in to be $79! subtract $15 from that and you have $64! so I pretty much got a subscription to the magazine and a discount off used games for $8!

I'm pretty happy, as you can see. Now, I need to sell some more games, now that I know that they'll be worth something.

Nintendo is starting to charge $ to play online games!

It's true! some of the new online games coming to wii will charge wii points if you want to play the games online!

What the heck? Nintendo's never charged money for their online games... why are they now? These new online games that charge money better be amazing or I'm not paying!

a blog featuring a gamma radiated mutant and a lawyer

I know, coolest blog title ever, right?

The incredible hulk game for wii got a 3.5 from gamespot! this is dissapointing because I loved the ultimate destruction game for the gamecube. I'm definatley not going to rent the game like I was planning to.

Anyway, I love Apollo justice: Ace Attorney!

The writing is great, and the game is so unique, I have to reccomend it. I'm still stunned from the ending of the first case I beat, the criminal was the last person I expected! I can't wait to beat the other 4 cases left.

got apollo justice!

I saw it used in gamestop for $25, not a bad price.

It's really unique and gripping, except one part on the first case has alraedy stumped me!

playing fire emblem: radiant dawn

Yeah, I borrowed it from tissueshoe-and started where I left off, part 3.

You see, right when I was finishing part 2, I started playing mario galaxy when it came out, but I'm playing it again!

The only thing I hate is how most of the chapter bosses actually move instead of staying put, so my healing charaters have died a lot, and I have to restart the chapter because I forget to do a battle save after every couple of turns like I should.